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We would like to make a " Shipping Options" Selection Mandatory During Checkout

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    We would like to make a " Shipping Options" Selection Mandatory During Checkout

    Hi again. :)
    Is there a way to require a selection from available shipping options before leaving the 'Shipping Options' page and proceeding to 'Payment Methods' ? Many orders are coming through with no selection made at all, and the shipping cost is showing up as $ 0.00
    'Any way to "FORCE" a selection before they can complete the checkout?
    Thanks In Advance!
    Mark P.

    The default behavior in Miva is to force the customer to select a shipping method. If they don't miva will reload the page with an error. Could they possibly getting no shipping methods and then seeing the fallback shipping method for 0.00?

    Brennan Heyde
    VP Product
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Thank You Brennan! . . Yes.
      They are reaching the "Shipping Options" page with the fallback default already selected at the top of the list ( "- choose your preferred shipping method here -" ) along with all of the shipping options below it.
      I skipped past it myself a few times just by clicking CONTINUE to get to the next step in Checkout.
      No error message. Maybe there is some rule I need to change for the default selection?
      Or . . am I setting up the products wrong? I can't find "limit shipping methods" in the MIVA reference Manual to find out what it does or whether I should be checking it or not:
      Last edited by markhomesurplus; 07-22-16, 09:37 AM.


        Addendum: Not only no "Error Message", but when the order invoice is printed out, it doesn't display the default choice . . .it Prints "Estimated Shipping" = $0.00 ( This is recent with no changes I'm aware of that could cause it.) This is what the customer sees... and my list of shipping methods:


          With help from Happie at MIVA I think the issue is solved.
          'Went to
          Shipping Settings > Settings
          Found "Fallback Shipping Options" and
          unchecked the box "Use fallback shipping method".
          Then went to our OSEL page and removed checked="checked"
          <input type="radio" name="ShippingMethod" value="&mvte:method:module;:&mvte:method:code;" checked="checked" id="l-shipping-method-&mvte:shippingMethodCode;" />
          Made just a few tests, but it seems to be working just as intended now. :)

