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Most of a solution for Better Country / State options on OCST

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    Most of a solution for Better Country / State options on OCST

    I wanted my users to have a better UI on the Customer Info page on checkout, we have US and International users.

    What I have set up is a user will select their country, then if the country is the US they will see a state selection field, and they will not see the Other State/Province field. If the user selects a country that is not the US, they will see the Other State/Province field, but not the state selection field.

    Ive been testing this and it's so close to working perfectly.

    The last issue that I can see, is that if a user selects the united states first, and selects a state, but then changes to international, and fills in a state, on the next screen (Shipping & Payment Options) I can see that the US state that they selected shows, instead of the state that they typed. It's a bug, and a user may never replicate how I got it, but I'd like to see if someone can find a solution, and I also want to share the code, since I see a lot of messages on here regarding the layout of these fields.

    This requires that each US state is filled in as a selection option so I only have a couple options for testing purposes.

    Shipping Info Country & State:
     <div class="&mvte:global:ShipCountry_Row;">
                <label class="control-label required" for="ShipCountry">Country:</label>
                <mvt:item name="countries" param="ShipCountry" />
           <div class="&mvte:global:ShipState_Row; shipstateselect">
                    <label class="required" for="ShipStateSelect"><span>* </span>State:</label>
                        <select name="ShipStateSelect" id="ShipStateSelect">
                        <option value="" class="shipus-states" selected>Select State</option>
                        <mvt:if expr="g.ShipStateSelect EQ 'AL'">
                        <option class="shipus-states" value="AL" selected>Alabama</option>
                        <option class="shipus-states" value="AL">Alabama</option>
                        <mvt:if expr="g.ShipStateSelect EQ 'AK'">
                        <option class="shipus-states" value="AK" selected>Alaska</option>
                        <option class="shipus-states" value="AK">Alaska</option>
                        <mvt:if expr="g.ShipStateSelect EQ 'AZ'">
                       <option class="shipus-states" value="AZ" selected>Arizona</option>
                        <option class="shipus-states" value="AZ">Arizona</option>
                        <mvt:if expr="g.ShipStateSelect EQ ''">
                       <option class="shipus-states" value="" selected>Outside US</option>
                        <option class="shipus-states" value="">Outside US</option>
                <div class="&mvte:global:ShipState_Row; otherShipState">
                    <label class="italic" for="ShipState">Other State/Province:</label>
                    <input type="text" name="ShipState" id="ShipState" value="&mvte:global:ShipState;" class="textfield" />
    Billing Info Country & State:
    <div class="&mvt:global:BillCountry_Row;">
                <label class="control-label required" for="BillCountry">Country:</label>
                <mvt:item name="countries" param="BillCountry" />
    <div class="&mvte:global:BillState_Row; billstateselect">
                    <label class="required" for="BillStateSelect"><span>* </span>State:</label>
                        <select name="BillStateSelect" id="BillStateSelect">
                        <option value="" class="billus-states" selected>Select State</option>
                        <mvt:if expr="g.BillStateSelect EQ 'AL'">
                        <option class="billus-states" value="AL" selected>Alabama</option>
                        <option class="billus-states" value="AL">Alabama</option>
                        <mvt:if expr="g.BillStateSelect EQ 'AK'">
                        <option class="billus-states" value="AK" selected>Alaska</option>
                        <option class="billus-states" value="AK">Alaska</option>
                        <mvt:if expr="g.BillStateSelect EQ 'AZ'">
                       <option class="billus-states" value="AZ" selected>Arizona</option>
                        <option class="billus-states" value="AZ">Arizona</option>
                       <mvt:if expr="g.BillStateSelect EQ ''">
                       <option class="billus-states" value="" selected>Outside US</option>
                        <option class="billus-states" value="">Outside US</option>
                <div class="&mvte:global:BillState_Row; otherBillState">
                    <label class="italic" for="BillState">Other State/Province:</label>
                    <input type="text" name="BillState" id="BillState" value="&mvte:global:BillState;" class="textfield" />
        var billSelect = document.getElementById('BillStateSelect');
        var shipSelect = document.getElementById('ShipStateSelect');
        var billState = '&mvte:global:basket:bill_state;';
        var shipState = '&mvte:global:basket:ship_state;';
        var billCountrySelect = document.getElementById('BillCountry');
        var shipCountrySelect = document.getElementById('ShipCountry');
        var billCountry = '&mvte:global:basket:bill_cntry;';
        var shipCountry = '&mvte:global:basket:ship_cntry;';
        var otherShipState = document.getElementById('ShipState');
        var otherBillState = document.getElementById('BillState');
        if (billState != '' && billSelect.value != billState) {
            billSelect.value = .billus-state;
        if (shipState != '' && shipSelect.value != shipState) {
            shipSelect.value = .shipus-state;
        if (billCountry != '' && billCountrySelect.value != billCountry) {
            billCountrySelect.value = billCountry;
        if (shipCountry != '' && shipCountrySelect.value != shipCountry) {
            shipCountrySelect.value = shipCountry;
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function checkCountry() {
          var bcountry = $("#BillCountry").val();
          if( bcountry!='US') {
          } else if(bcountry=='US') {
         else {
            $(".otherBillState").css("display", "block");
           if( bcountry=='US') {
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function checkCountry() {
          var scountry = $("#ShipCountry").val();
          if( scountry!='US') {
          } else if(scountry=='US') {
         else {
            $(".otherShipState").css("display", "block");
           if( scountry=='US') {

    I'd also like to get the Other State / Province field set to not required, without updating it from the store options / states page. When I did that, a large amount of my pages got messed up. If I can get it to send over n/a or something if it isnt filled in when a non-us country is selected, that would awesome. I've been contacted by international users before saying that their country doesnt use states/provinces

    Edit: Got this set up.

     var input = document.getElementById('BillState');
    if(input.value.length == 0)
        input.value = "Enter State if Applicable";
     var input = document.getElementById('ShipState');
    if(input.value.length == 0)
        input.value = "Enter State if Applicable";
    Also add after if( bcountry=='US' ) {
    if( bcountry =='' ) {
    And after if( scountry=='US' ) {
     if( scountry =='' ) {
    Still have no solution for the issue in the original post though.
    Last edited by heatherwebdev; 05-24-17, 09:37 AM.

