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Geographic Restriction Options on ALL Price Group Types Please

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    Geographic Restriction Options on ALL Price Group Types Please

    Our nonprofit organization is trying to help offset the high cost of shipping internationally by offering special packages and product discounts to international customers only. Lower product price helps with at-the-border costs such as duties and tariffs, but product discounts with geographic restrictions are not possible in Miva Merchant and this confusing limitation has been a source of great frustration. If geographic restrictions are possible for shipping discounts, why is this valuable tool not offered for all Price Group Types?

    Please consider this much-needed update.

    While there are not point an click geographic settings for discounts, this can be done today by assigning a customer to a price group via template code. If you know their country, you can conditionally assign them to a price group changing the product price:

    Brennan Heyde
    VP Product
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Thanks for this information. I would need a code that includes every country except the US and Canada, or excludes only those two. I do have a similar code in use on my website, but it seems to be a bit buggy. I copy the code below.

      <mvt:if expr="g.Basket:ship_cntry NE 'US' AND g.Basket:ship_cntry NE 'CA'">
      <mvt:do file="g.Module_Feature_PGR_UT" name="l.result" value="Basket_Assign_Persistent_PriceGroup(g.Baske t:basket_id,'25POffINT')" />
      <mvt:elseif expr="g.Basket:ship_cntry EQ 'US' OR g.Basket:ship_cntry EQ 'CA' OR 'Bundle' IN l.settings:item:product:name"><mvt:do file="g.Module_Feature_PGR_UT" name="l.result" value="Basket_Remove_Persistent_PriceGroup(g.Baske t:basket_id,'25POffINT')" />
      The use case I would want is
      • Give a discount to a customer based on their specific country their are from (geoip)
        But that code is not provided.
      The one above uses the country chosen at checkout and I think that's where the bug is. If you could help me out with the geoip option, I would be grateful.

