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Edge case in Branches

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    Edge case in Branches

    Not sure which forum this could go. Maybe there should be a separate forum for branches and MMT command line?

    I have an older CSSUI client store that isn't currently based on a ReadyTheme. It loads many resources directly using File_read type commands. Images in CSS for example might have a path of "images/img_filename.jpg."

    I'm doing some simple changes to update some custom functions and look/feel. Of course, it's in a branch. Obvious images like the store logo are a no show in the working branch. Turns out it's because the path to the image is no longer in the relative position.

    Contemplating what my solution should/will be. Some of the resources are part of the update. I'll need to change the path in every instance, ie: "images/..." to "../images/..." Appears that my only option when updates are complete is to make the working branch the primary branch? I've done this on a previous project and appears I avoided seeing this issue. That project was a complete rebuild. This project, the updates are small enough, but many image paths, I wanted to copy the updates to the current primary branch. Seems that option doesn't work any longer? Thoughts?

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