RE: MvFuncList (was RE: Miva welcomes James Harrell_
Very cool - thank you for the information and links. I'm starting on a "work
smarter not harder" mission, which is why this caught my eye!
> If we stir up enough Ruby/Miva geeks, we can start :)
<MvGROAN> ;)
No announcement yet.
Re: MvFuncList (was RE: Miva welcomes James Harrell_
Guest replied
Re: MvFuncList (was RE: Miva welcomes James Harrell_
On 4/13/05, Susan Petracco <[email protected]> wrote:
> Bill,
> It would be awesome if this could also support .mvi extensions, as used w=
> Darren's MVP Preprocessor.
It does now, just uploaded v.3 :)
> I've never heard of Ruby before...are we talking about this?
> <A HREF =" If so, I want to read more about it. Thanks!"> If so, I want to read more about it. Thanks!</A>
It is indeed. One of the first toys I built in Ruby was a 'Smart File
Parser' that I could a source and destination, and a list of "jobs" to
perform on each file. MvFuncList is just one of those "jobs". I've
also used it to search through a Merchant install, and give me a file
with all of the MvCreate statements found throughout, among other
I packaged this with RubyScript2Exe:
<A HREF =""></A>
You may find some useful stuff on the Ruby Garden Wiki, my page is a
bit out of date (tips 1 and 2 are no longer active), but the rest may
help you:
<A HREF =""></A>
If we stir up enough Ruby/Miva geeks, we can start :)
> --S
> Susan Petracco
> [email protected]
> NetBlazon
> E-Business for Every Business
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [email protected]
> > [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Bill Guindon
> > Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 2:22 PM
> > To: Adam Denning
> > Cc: Ivo Truxa; Merchant Coders
> > Subject: Re: [mrc] Miva welcomes James Harrell
> >
> > On Apr 8, 2005 1:48 PM, Adam Denning <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > Bill,
> > >
> > > Just one comment on your thoughts below. If we don't get
> > concise naming
> > > conventions, you could roll your own using a preprocessor
> > pretty easily.
> > > Internally, we use a program called ppwizard. It's open source. Ruby
> > > guys like you would dig it ;)
> >
> > I'll definitely take a look at it. I've been playing with ideas for
> > preprocessors. Of course, that wouldn't help on the readability side,
> > only on the typing side, and I honestly don't remember the last time I
> > typed a miva tag :)
> >
> > And since you brought up Ruby, might as well let you all know about a
> > little toy I built with it for Miva files. It reads .mv files, and
> > gives you a list of all the functions, their parameters, and the line
> > range. You can get a copy of it here:
> >
> >
Bill Guindon (aka aGorilla)
Tags: None
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