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OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference (was: Re: OT: Google link?)

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    OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference (was: Re: OT: Google link?)

    I don't fly much either. See chuck's post. I would take that $214 deal!


    > OKAY, prices are headed in the right direction!
    > Is it possible that it'll get under $300.00? Should I wait a tad
    > longer? I noticed that United had a special to Dallas for $214.00 if
    > one flew between 5/12-5/24 (found it on Is it
    > possible to wait and find a special like that when it gets closer to
    > June 16th?
    > I hardly ever fly and really am not the best shopper when it comes to
    > airfares.... any help is appreciated :-)
    > Julie
    > Jason Henderson wrote:
    > > NP. BTW, I checked cheaptickets, and it was only $319
    > >
    > > J
    > >
    > >

    OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference (was: Re: OT: Google link?)

    I think the lowest ones you can find are:

    <A HREF =""></A>

    If none is available then try this:,,TRAVELOCITY|1756|air_main,00.html

    Best days are Tu, Wed, Thu. Buy thru Travelocity is cheaper than buy direct
    because Travelocity bought those blocks at wholesale.
    If all failed then try your local agents, they know some mix & match to save
    you money.
    Chuck, will you be there?

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Julie Thompson" <[email protected]>
    To: "Jason Henderson" <[email protected]>
    Cc: "Miva Merchant Users" <[email protected]>
    Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2:19 PM
    Subject: [mru] OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference (was: Re: [mru]
    OT: Google link?)

    > OKAY, prices are headed in the right direction!
    > Is it possible that it'll get under $300.00? Should I wait a tad
    > longer? I noticed that United had a special to Dallas for $214.00 if
    > one flew between 5/12-5/24 (found it on Is it
    > possible to wait and find a special like that when it gets closer to
    > June 16th?
    > I hardly ever fly and really am not the best shopper when it comes to
    > airfares.... any help is appreciated :-)
    > Julie
    > Jason Henderson wrote:
    > > NP. BTW, I checked cheaptickets, and it was only $319
    > >
    > > J
    > >
    > >


      OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference

      I would but you would be putting me up for quite a while because the
      trip needs to occur between 5/12-5/24 :-D


      Jason Henderson wrote:

      > I don't fly much either. See chuck's post. I would take that $214 deal!
      > Jason
      >>OKAY, prices are headed in the right direction!
      >>Is it possible that it'll get under $300.00? Should I wait a tad
      >>longer? I noticed that United had a special to Dallas for $214.00 if
      >>one flew between 5/12-5/24 (found it on Is it
      >>possible to wait and find a special like that when it gets closer to
      >>June 16th?
      >>I hardly ever fly and really am not the best shopper when it comes to
      >>airfares.... any help is appreciated :-)
      >>Jason Henderson wrote:
      >>>NP. BTW, I checked cheaptickets, and it was only $319


        OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference

        Thanks Chuck. So I wasn't far off with my thinking that it could be a
        crap shoot. I'll just keep checking everyday. Hey, are you going?


        Chuck Lasker - DoublePlus wrote:

        > Unfortunately it's all a crap shoot these days. I've found great deals a
        > month in advance, only to see airfares dip right before my trip. And I've
        > waited, hoping to get a good last minute deal, only to have to pay almost
        > double what I could have gotten a trip for earlier. At any moment in time
        > they could just pump up all their rates (even though it's illegal to
        > collude, it's amazing how they all increase and decrease at once). I once
        > had a $200 airfare to Orlando, round trip, on Expedia. I was checking out
        > and a notice came up that the fare changed - to $600! All the airline rates
        > went up during that 3 minute period by more than double. I waited, and a
        > week before the trip found a ticket for $350 or so.
        > Chuck
        >>-----Original Message-----
        >>From: [email protected]
        >>[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
        >>Julie Thompson
        >>Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 4:19 PM
        >>To: Jason Henderson
        >>Cc: Miva Merchant Users
        >>Subject: [mru] OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference
        >>(was: Re: [mru] OT: Google link?)
        >>OKAY, prices are headed in the right direction!
        >>Is it possible that it'll get under $300.00? Should I wait a tad
        >>longer? I noticed that United had a special to Dallas for $214.00 if
        >>one flew between 5/12-5/24 (found it on Is it
        >>possible to wait and find a special like that when it gets closer to
        >>June 16th?
        >>I hardly ever fly and really am not the best shopper when it comes to
        >>airfares.... any help is appreciated :-)
        >>Jason Henderson wrote:
        >>>NP. BTW, I checked cheaptickets, and it was only $319


          OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference (was: Re:

          I just bought a book called The Travel Detective... good book.
          It says to check right after midnight on wednesdays. Cause that when the
          revised pricing from the price wars goes into effect.
          And if the airlines make mistakes.. like those 1.13 airfares.. they'll
          be posted right then... Also... it says that the airlines
          change prices something like 250,000 (no typo there) per day!!!!


          Chuck Lasker - DoublePlus wrote:

          >Unfortunately it's all a crap shoot these days. I've found great deals a
          >month in advance, only to see airfares dip right before my trip. And I've
          >waited, hoping to get a good last minute deal, only to have to pay almost
          >double what I could have gotten a trip for earlier. At any moment in time
          >they could just pump up all their rates (even though it's illegal to
          >collude, it's amazing how they all increase and decrease at once). I once
          >had a $200 airfare to Orlando, round trip, on Expedia. I was checking out
          >and a notice came up that the fare changed - to $600! All the airline rates
          >went up during that 3 minute period by more than double. I waited, and a
          >week before the trip found a ticket for $350 or so.
          >>-----Original Message-----
          >>From: [email protected]
          >>[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
          >>Julie Thompson
          >>Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 4:19 PM
          >>To: Jason Henderson
          >>Cc: Miva Merchant Users
          >>Subject: [mru] OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference
          >>(was: Re: [mru] OT: Google link?)
          >>OKAY, prices are headed in the right direction!
          >>Is it possible that it'll get under $300.00? Should I wait a tad
          >>longer? I noticed that United had a special to Dallas for $214.00 if
          >>one flew between 5/12-5/24 (found it on Is it
          >>possible to wait and find a special like that when it gets closer to
          >>June 16th?
          >>I hardly ever fly and really am not the best shopper when it comes to
          >>airfares.... any help is appreciated :-)
          >>Jason Henderson wrote:
          >>>NP. BTW, I checked cheaptickets, and it was only $319


            OT: Plane Fares to Dallas for MIVA Conference

            Doh! Sorry about that.


            > I would but you would be putting me up for quite a while because the
            > trip needs to occur between 5/12-5/24 :-D
            > Julie
            > Jason Henderson wrote:
            > > I don't fly much either. See chuck's post. I would take that $214
            > >
            > > Jason
            > >
            > >
            > >
            > >>OKAY, prices are headed in the right direction!
            > >>
            > >>Is it possible that it'll get under $300.00? Should I wait a tad
            > >>longer? I noticed that United had a special to Dallas for $214.00 if
            > >>one flew between 5/12-5/24 (found it on Is it
            > >>possible to wait and find a special like that when it gets closer to
            > >>June 16th?
            > >>
            > >>I hardly ever fly and really am not the best shopper when it comes to
            > >>airfares.... any help is appreciated :-)
            > >>
            > >>Julie
            > >>
            > >>Jason Henderson wrote:
            > >>
            > >>
            > >>>NP. BTW, I checked cheaptickets, and it was only $319
            > >>>
            > >>>J
            > >>>
            > >>>
            > >>
            > >>

