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Affiliate Manager code rewrite

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    Affiliate Manager code rewrite

    Anyone know how I can translate this into Affiliate Manager friendly
    code? This worked until I installed Affiliate Manager so I'm assuming
    it's because of different tokens?

    %DOFUNC(g.OUIX_affiliate_found|g.OUIX_file|Affilia tes_Find_Code(AffiliateSession.d.affil_code))%
    %ASSIGN(g.Affiliate_SiteName|Affiliates.d.site_nam e)%
    <font color=red>Thank you for supporting %VAR(g.Affiliate_SiteName)%
    with 25% of your order!</font>

    Korey McWilliams
    Rewards Program Manager
    773-376-1610 (office)
    773-376-7512 (fax)
    312-543-0438 (cell)
    <A HREF =""></A>

    Affiliate Manager code rewrite

    I've contacted viking, posted to OUI forum, this list, and miva coders
    list...I'm just too busy with so many other aspects of starting this
    venture otherwise I'd buy Chuck's video's or Pam's book or whatever and
    teach myself...

    I guess I've been assuming that my "code rewrite" was just a simple
    matter of replacing variables or tokens and that it would only take 5 -
    10 minutes of work.

    Do I need to pay someone to write this?


    Jason Henderson wrote:
    > Have you contacted viking and/or checked out the faq/docs?
    > Jason
    >>Anyone know how I can translate this into Affiliate Manager friendly
    >>code? This worked until I installed Affiliate Manager so I'm assuming
    >>it's because of different tokens?
    > %DOFUNC(g.OUIX_affiliate_found|g.OUIX_file|Affilia tes_Find_Code(AffiliateSes
    > sion.d.affil_code))%
    >> %ASSIGN(g.Affiliate_SiteName|Affiliates.d.site_nam e)%
    >><font color=red>Thank you for supporting %VAR(g.Affiliate_SiteName)%
    with 25% of your order!</font>
    >>Korey McWilliams
    >>Rewards Program Manager
    >>773-376-1610 (office)
    >>773-376-7512 (fax)
    >>312-543-0438 (cell)
    >><A HREF =""></A>


      Affiliate Manager code rewrite

      It doesn't look like it needs custom coding. Probably just needs input from
      viking. I could have sworn I have seen it somewhere.


      > I've contacted viking, posted to OUI forum, this list, and miva coders
      > list...I'm just too busy with so many other aspects of starting this
      > venture otherwise I'd buy Chuck's video's or Pam's book or whatever and
      > teach myself...
      > I guess I've been assuming that my "code rewrite" was just a simple
      > matter of replacing variables or tokens and that it would only take 5 -
      > 10 minutes of work.
      > Do I need to pay someone to write this?
      > Suggestions?
      > Jason Henderson wrote:
      > > Have you contacted viking and/or checked out the faq/docs?
      > >
      > > Jason
      > >
      > >
      > >
      > >>Anyone know how I can translate this into Affiliate Manager friendly
      > >>code? This worked until I installed Affiliate Manager so I'm assuming
      > >>it's because of different tokens?
      > >>
      > >>
      > >
      > >
      %DOFUNC(g.OUIX_affiliate_found|g.OUIX_file|Affilia tes_Find_Code(AffiliateSes
      > > sion.d.affil_code))%
      > >
      > >>%IF(g.OUIX_affiliate_found)%
      > >> %ASSIGN(g.Affiliate_SiteName|Affiliates.d.site_nam e)%
      > >><font color=red>Thank you for supporting %VAR(g.Affiliate_SiteName)%
      > >>
      with 25% of your order!</font>
      > >>%IFEND%
      > >>
      > >>
      > >>Thanks
      > >>--
      > >>Korey McWilliams
      > >>Rewards Program Manager
      > >>773-376-1610 (office)
      > >>773-376-7512 (fax)
      > >>312-543-0438 (cell)
      > >><A HREF =""></A>
      > >>
      > >>

