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Subscriptions via email attachment

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    Subscriptions via email attachment

    I want to sell subscriptions to digital media files that are updated daily.
    Can anyone recommend a module or modules?

    The two most critical features are:

    1) automatic subscription time outs, with time-out warning notification via

    2) automatic monthly, quarterly, annual renew of paid subscription.

    3) dynamic daily email rendering and delivery. Ideally the module should
    dynamically grab an attachment file based on filename wild cards. For
    example, the ability to specify the attachment with a string and token
    combination similar to "headzup%currentdate%.avi" which would result in
    friday's email would go out with a file called "headzup6may05.avi" and then
    saturday's would go with "headzup7may05.avi", etc...


    Subscriptions via email attachment

    Not sure if it was your colleague, but I had a very similar request this
    week, and will possibly work on a complex and feature-rich subscription
    mailing module.

    However, seeing you want to email avi's, I would suggest using rather
    downloads. Emailing huge files is not really reliable. The downloading
    subscription can be done with the MmPASS module: when a customer purchases
    the product (i.e. course), he receives a password protected download link.
    The updating of the *.avi can be done very easily centrally for all
    customers in the same time.

    <A HREF =""></A>

    Ivo Truxa

    | Advanced Miva Merchant modules

    -----Original Message-----
    From: John T. Shay

    I want to sell subscriptions to digital media files that are updated daily.
    Can anyone recommend a module or modules?

    The two most critical features are:

    1) automatic subscription time outs, with time-out warning notification via

    2) automatic monthly, quarterly, annual renew of paid subscription.

    3) dynamic daily email rendering and delivery. Ideally the module should
    dynamically grab an attachment file based on filename wild cards. For
    example, the ability to specify the attachment with a string and token
    combination similar to "headzup%currentdate%.avi" which would result in
    friday's email would go out with a file called "headzup6may05.avi" and then
    saturday's would go with "headzup7may05.avi", etc...


