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Development in localhost

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  • Nick
    When the course is ready it will be available by singing up for our educational portal called MivaLearn,

    The portal also includes a learning path going over the fundamentals of developing with Miva.

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  • Brennan
    Along side Miva 10 we released a command line tool to allow you to export the entire UI locally to text files. This allows you to use your local text editor to make changes to html/css/js then push the changes back to your remote Miva store to preview.

    If you're building for a client its recommended you build on a clients development store. If you're just looking for you're own personal development environment we offer free sandbox stores here:

    You can download the Miva CLI here:

    We also have a full training course on the Miva CLI coming out before the end of the year.

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  • Rick Wilson
    As a rule, you won't be developing locally (at least your copy of Miva won't be local) as you likely do not have a license for this and we don't recommend it.

    I will have my staff chime in tomorrow with recommended best practices, but we have a series of tools designed exactly for this that do not require you to install a copy of Miva on your local machine.

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  • Ssakib4050
    Originally posted by Bruce - PhosphorMedia View Post
    Its possible, but you have to (in my understanding) install it on an actual server instance. I know of only one crazy (and smart) guy who does this (Scot of Hopefully he can chime in at some point.
    Can I able install Miva in Docker? & by the way I still didn't find the Miva Script in the Official Miva website for download & install it in my pc locally.

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    Its possible, but you have to (in my understanding) install it on an actual server instance. I know of only one crazy (and smart) guy who does this (Scot of Hopefully he can chime in at some point.

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  • Ssakib4050
    started a topic Development in localhost

    Development in localhost

    Hello Miva,

    I am new in Miva. I am still learning miva. So I want to know that how can I develop a miva theme in my computer locally? I want to install Miva 10 in my computer localhost to mimic live Mive Website. Is it possible? If yes how?. please help!

    Thank You.