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Looking to hire, compare two csv files, analyze and output new file based on matches

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    Looking to hire, compare two csv files, analyze and output new file based on matches

    We need the resultant output files and thus are not interested in the script being made for user friendliness - you would do the processing and provide us the .csv files. I know this can be done in MivaScript as I have done similar. But it would take me much longer to debug and finish than someone that does this all day.

    So basically you would have two text files, say File 1 and File 2 - pipe delimited. File 1 has many delimited columns of data. TWO of the columns are date and time as in:

    | 20240303 | 07:53:11 |

    - which is 7:53am on March 3rd 2024. All military time.

    File 2 would also have a **single** column that has the date and time, like so:

    | 03/05/2024 12:47:52 AM |

    So here the time is AM/PM formatted.

    File 2 also has a phone number field.

    So you would need to import both files, match up the date and time rows after manipulating the date time formatting, and then for each matched instance (and there will always be a match), write a new file that is almost the same as the File 1 but that has the phone number value (pulled from File 2) written into to its column which does already exist.

    Additionally there are some fields of data in File 1 that are in the wrong columns and that contain some un-needed text at the start. This data needs to have part of its string stripped off and then re-written in the new file basically two columns over. So it looks like this:

    | LOYAL 12345678 | 1.20 | and is in columns 25 and 26 and needs to be output into column 27 and 28 in this manner | 12345678 | 1.20 |

    If anyone is interested please PM me.

    Thank you!
    Sean Harrell
    Southland Trade Corp.

    Hi Sean, I'm interested, but not until April; my work calendar is already quite full for March. If that works for you, you can email or PM me.
    Kent Multer
    Magic Metal Productions
    * Web developer/designer
    * E-commerce and Miva
    * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


      you might try something like fiver for this. it can be done straight in Excel
      Bruce Golub
      Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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