eldon99 What issue are you seeing? In the default Shadows framework there is no print.css file. The Shadows framework uses inline CSS for the formatting of the page.
What framework do you have on your store?
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Framework resources missing
Does this also apply to the print.css? It does not appear to be working on printable invoice pages.
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There is a bug reported regarding branches and the ReadyThemeIcons.woff not loading in the current version of Shadows. The issue will be resolved in Version 10.08
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Originally posted by lesliekirk View PostMy question is where is the theme_path set? I think I need to change it...
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Has this bug been resolved? I am working on new Branches with the new shadows Framework and the icons are not loading either.
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I'm going to tag in here because I'm having the same issues after adding a branch and then applying a different ReadyTheme. It seems to be an issue with the "theme_path" - if I go in and change
Code:theme_path + 'ui/js/theme.js'
My question is where is the theme_path set? I think I need to change it...
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Thanks, Matt.
I noticed the issue because icons weren't rendering correctly. I initially thought it was an SSL/path issue and there were some htaccess instructions I hadn't replaced/fixed yet. I made the branch as primary and fixed the htaccess file. It didn't solve the icon issue. I found that the .woff file was missing. So I realized the script files were missing too.
I simply copied the files and folders from the dev to "/httpdocs/mm5/themes/00000001/shadows" to get it working. I haven't copied those files to branch, b02, but there are some there. Probably from applying the framework?
I don't what happens when a branch is made primary (not copied -- I still have the old production as a branch). Before I made b02 the primary, shouldn't the .woff have been loaded from the b02 script folders?
Another note. Besides having different names, the branch in the dev store is b04.
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Hi Scott,
Take a look at the folder structure of the saved branch, there might be a branch sub-directory that is included in the path.
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Framework resources missing
Not really a question except to find out if there is any insight into this. Was Something done incorrectly or is there an odd bug?
The goal was to replace an existing legacy theme with a customized Shadows 2. The new theme was developed on a dev copy of the store in a branch. When changes were complete, the branch theme/framework was saved. I created a branch in the production store and uploaded and applied the new framework/theme. A detail that could be worth knowing is that I didn't keep the branch names consistent from the dev and production store. Applying the new framework results: in "/httpdocs/mm5/themes/00000001/shadows" I found that all the scripts were missing.
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