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Readytheme-styles.css issues

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    Readytheme-styles.css issues

    I have an open support ticket, but I wanted to see if anyone here has had a similar issue.. we were working with the httpdocs/mm5/themes/shadows/ui/css/readytheme-styles.css file, and when I uploaded it via FTP or Plesk, it would upload, change file size and then revert back to the original file which doesn't have everything we have customized. File was working fine yesterday, and then today a bunch of stuff is broken on our store and it's all CSS related to this file. We thought it was Filezilla, so I tried direct in Plesk with same results.

    Just very odd, has us scratching our head as it's never happened before. We went through and made sure there weren't any syntax errors that could be doing it, and to the best of our ability, nothing popped out.


    Is the readytheme-styles.css file a custom sheet you are adding to the site? Is it possible that someone else is editing it as well?
    Matt Zimmermann

    Miva Web Developer
    Alchemy Web Development
    Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

    Miva Certified Developer
    Miva Professional Developer | Twitter


      No one else is editing; we have tried from 2 different computers. Is that not a standard file that comes with the shadows theme?


        It is a file that is generated from a ReadyTheme Content block. It was used to concatenate the CSS files for better delivery. It is not really a file that is editable externally.
        Matt Zimmermann

        Miva Web Developer
        Alchemy Web Development
        Site Development - Maintenance - Consultation

        Miva Certified Developer
        Miva Professional Developer | Twitter


          AH! Okay. We renamed our file theme-styles and replaced that it worked. Thanks Matt! We must have crossed the naming somewhere along the way.


            By the way, this interaction again underscores why Miva is ahead of all it's competitors when it comes to right people in the right places. Having direct access and open communication like this enables us to all grow faster and better. Thanks Matt, and thanks Miva!

