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MMUI Breadcrumbs

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  • lesliekirk
    Originally posted by Bruce - PhosphorMedia View Post
    Do you have a Breadcrumbs Template in the Global Settings admin page? (The module has code to generate this on module installation.) You may need to steal template code from another site as I think that is created by the framework. Sorry, these are just guesses.
    This appears to be the default code that gets installed

    <a href="&mvte:breadcrumbs:homelink;" class="breadcrumb-home">Home</a> <span class="breadcrumb-border">&gt;</span>
    <mvt:foreach iterator="cats" array="breadcrumbs:links">
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:cats:name EQ '...'">
    <span class="cats-hidden">&mvt:cats:name;</span> <span class="breadcrumb-border">&gt;</span>
    <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:cats:current">
    <span class="current-item">&mvt:cats:name;</span>
    <a href="&mvte:cats:link;">&mvt:cats:name;</a> <span class="breadcrumb-border">&gt;</span>

    Now I kinda wish this store had the EP Toolkit...

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    Do you have a Breadcrumbs Template in the Global Settings admin page? (The module has code to generate this on module installation.) You may need to steal template code from another site as I think that is created by the framework. Sorry, these are just guesses.

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  • lesliekirk
    FYI - all I found was cmp-cssui-breadcrumbs.mvc, it was actually already installed. I just had to create the item, assign it, and place the item. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be producing the desired results of showing all of the sub-categories when someone clicks deeper

    The desired result would be:

    ​​​​​​Home > Parent > Child > Child Child

    The current result

    Home > Current

    I'm thinking there may be a few other things missing that are needed to make the function "as needed".

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  • lesliekirk
    Originally posted by Bruce - PhosphorMedia View Post
    Here's a thought. Grab a copy of mmlsk-cmp-cssui-breadcrumbs.mvc from a CSSUI store and just install it into the mmui store (assign it to all pages, yada...) and then add the mvt:item where needed. Don't see why that wouldn't work but haven't tried it.
    Yeah, I had thought of that. Got squirreled but will try and let you know if it works or blows up.

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    Here's a thought. Grab a copy of mmlsk-cmp-cssui-breadcrumbs.mvc from a CSSUI store and just install it into the mmui store (assign it to all pages, yada...) and then add the mvt:item where needed. Don't see why that wouldn't work but haven't tried it.

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  • lesliekirk
    started a topic MMUI Breadcrumbs

    MMUI Breadcrumbs

    I know most MMUI stores have had some "tool" type module to create Breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs became native to CSSUI. With that said, has anyone been able to create Breadcrumbs within an MMUI store with any third-party modules?
