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  • Biffy
    Re: HTML/CSS News

    Opera also passed Acid3 at 100% and Mozilla is close with a score of 71% this week. IE 8 is now at 18% and improving (IE 5.5 scores 14%, IE 6 is 11% and IE 7 Vista is 12%).

    IE 6 and 7 has webfonts implemented but only for their own private label. No IE support for popular font technologies such as TrueType yet. The webpage for the special IE fonts has been disabled so I'm sure IE has chalked it up as yet another failure.

    IE 6, with very slowly falling market share, remains the second most popular browser in the world behind FireFox 2. IE 7 ranks 3rd and is very slowly increasing market share. FireFox 3 and Safari 3 both are rapidly gaining market share. Opera is at a standstill and who cares about Konqueror.

    Right now IE 6 is the holdup, the limiting case, a bad browser with way too much market share. I don't expect it to go away anytime soon, so yeah, we have a wait before we can start using the wonderful CSS 3 goodies in IE.

    It's interesting to me to watch these stories. Consumers are rejecting the flawed IE technology in ever greater numbers. Redmond is slowly catching on with IE 8 but I'm wondering when they'll put in a real effort to pass Acid3. Maybe after they lose another 20 points of market share, huh?

    We're already writing seperate stylesheets for IE 6 so there's not really anything stopping us from continuing the same practice and implementing cool CSS 3 features as they become supported for the other browsers.

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  • Dan - Glendale Designs
    Re: HTML/CSS News

    Doesn't really matter until the other main browsers catch up. (and I don't see that happening any time soon)

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  • Biffy
    started a topic HTML/CSS News

    HTML/CSS News

    WebKit, the first browser technology to pass the Acid3 test, now supports some new CSS 3 features of great interest to web developers.

    The biggie is web fonts are implemented! This means you can use any TrueType font you wish. You link to the font file from the CSS stylesheet and the font is served to the viewers' browsers. However, there are known security vulnuerabilities in this, so for Miva stores you'll need to upload the font to a secure directory and use relative links. Some early sample websites using webfonts are simply stunning.

    The next biggie is CSS animation effects are now implemented in WebKit. This is kinda hard to explain but basically you can transition from one CSS property to another and control how the transition occurs, how long it takes, etc. You can even use bezier acceleration curves and paths for some very advanced effects.

    Another one in high demand is multiple background images are now implemented in WebKit. We've all been looking for this one to come out for a long time.

    Additional goodies are CSS Reflections, CSS Masks, faster javascript, embedded 3D, heck, just go see for yourself!

    Last edited by Biffy; 06-23-08, 03:14 PM.