Two HTML 5 features of interest to Miva developers are browser caching and user SQL.

Browser caching will allow you to specify scripts to be cached on the user's machine. The first page has normal load time but all subsequent pages will load faster. There are some tricks Google developed for the mobile phone market to reduce startup latency and bandwith.

Caching works in a simple manner with a file referenced in a meta-tag:
<html cache-manifest="myCacheRules.cache">
Where you list the pages, elements and scripts to be cached.


You can also write more sophisticated cache rules using apache_mod.

HTML 5 specs a SQL database in the browsers with multi-tab "transactions". This allows developers to save carts to the user's browser along with other structured data. It also provides for multi-tab browsing of a store where the tabs will communicate with each other even though each one is sandboxed (if one tab crashes the others keep running). And yes, you can cache a database.