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News: Google Base(d) E-Commerce

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    I think much of the problem is that google is not doing a WHOLE lot to really specify how Google Base benefits its potential users in comparison to Froogle or its other programs.

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  • wcw
    I know some folks got my Template Data Feed to export the products for Google base but I haven't heard back from any of them. It is usually used for Froogle and Google Sitemap export files. I would assume if they are doing Google base, they are probably doing the other two exports too. So trying to figure which is producing the best results will require a bit of planning with the urls submitted. Not doing the other two just to test the effectiveness of Google base would be like falling on your sword.

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    Guest started a topic News: Google Base(d) E-Commerce

    News: Google Base(d) E-Commerce

    Article: Google Base(d) E-Commerce

    "Last October when Google Base was announced it was met with much speculation. Defined by Google as "a service designed to allow anyone to upload information about anything", it is intended for a wide variety of content to be uploaded by a wide variety of Internet users. While not specifically user-focused or for selling online, it still comes as no surprise that Google Base is seen by many as having an emerging role in e-commerce."

    Have you tried listing your products in Google Base? If so, have you had success? An increase in traffic?

    What are your thoughts?
    Last edited by Jimmy Cooper; 04-20-06, 10:47 PM.