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View orders associated with a coupon code

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  • jsdva
    Originally posted by dreamingdigital View Post
    I think what is slowing down that public coupon report is the additional call to get the order info during the final display of the order. I have tired to get around it but could not figure out how to make the data available for "later" when I needed it again. That might help with the "choke" parts Jamie . At least that was a red flag when I was programming it into a site.
    I see. Thank you for the reply Colin.

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  • dreamingdigital
    I think what is slowing down that public coupon report is the additional call to get the order info during the final display of the order. I have tired to get around it but could not figure out how to make the data available for "later" when I needed it again. That might help with the "choke" parts Jamie . At least that was a red flag when I was programming it into a site.

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  • jsdva
    Would be nice to see coupon usage by orders and other factors in the coupon utility. Two months worth of orders/coupons on the batch report and it choked. At least it gets us a little somewhere though....

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  • jsdva
    Originally posted by Brennan View Post
    Coupon reporting is now part of Miva 10:
    HI Brennan,

    Yes, I was there. Didn't give much on specifics. Can that report give usage by order, revenue, whatever I want?



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  • Brennan
    Coupon reporting is now part of Miva 10:

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  • jsdva
    Originally posted by Brennan View Post
    Below is a simple batch report which will give you some high level data on coupon usage.
    Me again dragging up an old post with a question:

    Is this still the best way to get a report on coupon usage by order, revenue, etc.



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  • Brennan
    It does not appear the order subtotal is a native variable on the batch reports. You could easily add the item subtotals together to create it and then output your own custom variable for that value.

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  • oliverands
    Brennan I have just started the process of migrating to the Miva coupon module. I've found the batch report has everything I need to do my ROI reporting for promotions except for one thing. I would like to get able to get the order subtotal included in the report as well so that I can see the total product value (excluding shipping, tax, and the value of the coupon) of all orders that made use of the coupon. This is something included in the old Emporium Plus report (screen shot attached).

    Is there a formula I could add to the batch report as another column in the table to provide this?


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  • richpirate
    Thanks Brennan!!

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  • Brennan
    Below is a simple batch report which will give you some high level data on coupon usage.

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  • Brennan
    We do have plans to add a bunch more reporting related to discounts and coupons. For the time being, it can be done with a batch report. I'll post a sample here that can be used as a starting point and modified.

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  • oliverands
    I haven't moved over to using the new Miva coupon module for exactly this reason. If you really want this level of reporting, it is available with the older (and inexpensive!) Emporium Plus Coupon Redemption module. I'm still using this and it works fine with the current version of Miva and gives me all the reporting information I need on each campaign.

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  • richpirate
    started a topic View orders associated with a coupon code

    View orders associated with a coupon code

    After a coupon code is created, there's no way to see the actual orders that used the specific coupon code, revenue generated from it etc...Only the number of times it was used. Kind of useless to generate a coupon code with no way of knowing the value of that marketing campaign.