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Product Filter by Stock Status

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    Product Filter by Stock Status

    With the new facets, it would be great to add a "stock" field like the system's "price" field so that customers can filter the product list to only view what is in stock. This would be really convenient during our busiest times of year (like now) when popular products are starting to sell out. Then customers can just focus on what we have without having to navigate through so much.

    Also, to make certain options "sticky" as customers navigate the site: products per page, sort order, certain facet values. That would be pretty convenient.

    I've been wanting "Product Filter by Stock Status" for quite some time and have made the suggestion more than once. Its especially useful for site that deal in collectibles, I imagine parts too.

    But the only solution I been given thus far is the custom filed route with is not practical.
    Thank you, Bill Davis


      Yeah, custom fields definitely wouldn't be a practical way to handle it. Maybe we can get some traction on this now that facets exist and provide a mechanism for it. It seems like it would be easy enough to do.

