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Better built-in search support

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  • Rick Wilson
    Yeah I was using Elastic Search as a euphemism of sorts.

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  • William Davis
    Apache also has a similar solution called Solr at

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  • lesliekirk
    Originally posted by Rick Wilson View Post
    Before we could understand that request, we'd have to know what that actually means?
    I'll see if I can get her to explain it a little better (things get a little lost in translation), she sends me screenshots of something she can search for (and find) in the Product batch list but if she uses the same search term in the storefront search she doesn't get any results.

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  • Rick Wilson
    Before we could understand that request, we'd have to know what that actually means?

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  • lesliekirk
    Thanks for the update Rick - here's an interesting tidbit from one of my clients who keeps asking for a better search - she keeps saying she wants customers to be able to search like she can in the admin. Why are the two searches so different I wonder? Hopefully, this will answer at least her requests

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  • Rick Wilson
    10.01.xx is coming in April 2021 (or so) and will greatly increase the current functionality of the MySQL/MariaDB/PostreSQL based search functionality specifically:
    1. New Weight Field to give boosting to different fields
    2. New Most Relevant Sort Option
    3. Maximum Configurable Terms
    4. Individual Search Field Type for all searchable fields
    5. Exact Match
    6. Match One or more terms
    7. Contains (substring)
    8. Boolean Search
    9. Full Text Boolean
    10. Natural Language Search
    We are evaluating how we're going to deploy Elastic Search based technologies but have nothing to announce at this time.

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  • samjnz
    started a topic Better built-in search support

    Better built-in search support

    Any chance of getting something like ElasticSearch or Apache Solr integrated with Miva?

    Search seems to be a weak point of the platform right now -- other platforms either have low-cost options (such as Shopify and providers like Searchanise) or better built-in functionality (BigCommerce with ElasticSearch) but with Miva we seem to be stuck with very expensive third party integrations such as Searchspring or just standard MySQL full text search.