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product 'offline' or 'updating'

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  • Mark Hood
    I'm thinking this could also be used to solve other problems? If the message was customizable and worked for all pages that "add to cart" is an option it could also be used for online catalogs?
    (not available for purchase online so give us a call sort of thing. Yes we already do this with custom fields...

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  • habreu
    [removed by habreu]
    Last edited by habreu; 03-21-22, 02:14 PM.

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  • habreu

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  • Rick Wilson
    Essentially a maintenance mode at the product level?

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  • habreu
    started a topic product 'offline' or 'updating'

    product 'offline' or 'updating'

    Not an essential or urgent feature but for putting it here your consideration...

    I am updating a couple of popular products as we are switching them from volume pricing to a 'by the box, by the case, by the master case' type structure and I have to change the attributes, remove volume pricing and add some explanatory text - and test to make sure I don't screw up and give away a case for the per unit price.

    I make the category inactive but was thinking it would be useful if we could temporarily prevent the product from being added to the cart with a message 'product is being updated please wait page will refresh when updates are complete' or something similar so customers don't think the product is missing while the updates are being completed.