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Miva Merchant 5.5 Production Release 8 Release Notes

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    Miva Merchant 5.5 Production Release 8 Release Notes

    Next week we'll be releasing Miva Merchant 5.5 PR8, it contains 199 bug fixes that exist in PR7 as well as more than 54 new features.

    Before you'll be able to upgrade to PR8, you'll need to make sure your Miva Empresa Engine is 5.10 (5.12 is highly recommended) or higher and you have the GD library configured in your mivavm.conf. This is normally requested through your hosting provider. We will be testing for the proper engine and GD library configuration before allowing the upgrade to continue. If your upgrade fails on this step, this will NOT impact your live store or admin in any way. Once you get your engine properly upgraded and configured you'll be able to restart the upgrade and continue with the process.

    New Features:

    • Products may now have multiple images. The multiple image subsystem has the following major functionality:
    ◦ Dynamic resizing of images for thumbnails and primary image display
    ◦ Lightbox support, allowing display of a larger image than the primary display
    ◦ Dynamic swapping of images as attributes are changed
    ◦ Named image types
    ◦ For compatibility, the PR7 and earlier product image fields still exist, and have been moved onto the primary Product tab of the Add/Edit Products screen
    • A new reporting subsystem has been added that allows detailed analysis of sales data
    • A new attribute type has been added for "swatch" attributes, which allow the user to click on an image to change the attribute selection.
    • A completely revamped Import subsystem has been provided:
    ◦ Configuration settings may be saved between imports
    ◦ The import parser has been centralized, and now properly handles "standard" delimited text files
    ◦ Realtime progress and log information is displayed while importing data
    ◦ Drag and drop file upload is supported to begin an import
    • A new module, "Template Batch Reports," now manages the SHIPMENT_PICKLIST and ORDER_INVOICE screens, treating them as batch reports, and allows additional batch report/screen combinations to be created and managed. This module is installed in newly created stores by default
    • A new module, "Template Order Emails," replaces all of the previous email fulfillment modules and allows more advanced configuration of emails:
    ◦ Everything is a true page template
    ◦ Can manually trigger the sending of emails
    ◦ Can send emails on any number of events
    ◦ Can have an unlimited number of different emails
    ◦ This new module is installed by default for newly created stores instead of the old meremail and custeml modules
    • The Secure Root Directory for Graphics may now be separately configured from the Non-Secure Root Directory for graphics, which fixes behavior in shared SSL certificate environments.

    Runtime/StoreMorph Changes:
    • The Basket Contents components now allow display of product images on the basket contents page.
    • Tokens provided by many component modules have been made more consistent and comprehensive
    • Attribute Inventory variant part products are now available in the order and basket contents components.

    Administrative Changes:
    • The batch edit screen hover effect no longer applies a bold font face to avoid table redraws
    • The character set for a store may now be centrally configured, and will affect both runtime and admin, for proper display of accent characters in both locations.
    • When generating product variants, the user may now control the delimiter used when constructing product codes for part products
    • Administrative buttons now disable themselves and display "Processing..." while the system is performing their action
    • Administrative buttons are now disabled while switching tabs
    • Administrative Delete buttons have been moved away from other buttons and now clearly indicate what they delete
    • Administrative Delete buttons are now displayed only on the first tab of a screen to prevent confusion
    • Administrative Update buttons have been hidden on tabs where they do not directly modify the displayed settings (Product: Inventory Variants, for example)
    • Orders may now be filtered by Payment Status:
    ◦ Authorized with $0 Captured
    ◦ Authorized with Partial Capture
    ◦ Captured and Not Shipped
    ◦ Shipped and Not Captured
    • Manage Orders and Manage Shipments are now sorted by Order ID descending by default
    • Payment may now be captured for multiple orders, or an entire batch of orders, from the Manage Orders screen
    • A user may now create a batch containing all unbatched orders by searching for Unbatched Orders and pressing the Create Batch button with no orders selected
    • The Manage Orders and Manage Shipments screens have been modified to include the old-style pagination controls and now display "Loading..." when refreshing their contents
    • The list of order tabs is now refreshed after editing order charges as the recalculate button may change the current shipping module for the order.
    • A new "Batch Report" button on the Manage Orders screen allows users to run legacy or new-style batch report modules on a selection of orders or an entire order batch
    • Shipments may now be batched, similar to Orders
    • Tracking numbers for an entire batch of orders may be entered by searching for the batch and pressing the "Enter Tracking Numbers" button with no shipments selected
    • A new "Batch Report" button on the Manage Shipments screen allows users to run new-style shipment batch report modules on a selection of shipments or an entire shipment batch
    • The Product Lookup screen now has the ability to filter its results to Active products
    • More advanced Order Tab dialog in Manage Orders which allows JavaScript and other complicated functionality.
    • Modules may now extend json.mvc
    • Modules may now alter the HEAD tag content of administrative screens
    • Modules may now add tabs to all Batch Edit screens
    • For 5.70 or newer API version modules Module_xxx_BatchEdit_Update is now called with a "null" product, category, customer, etc... when the Update button is pressed and an item was not being edited in place (so that the modules can update the contents of their tabs).
    • The current stock level of products may now be displayed and edited on the Product Batch Edit screen
    • Component modules with tabs that appear on all pages and the Edit Store screen now only save their settings if you are viewing their tab. A notification now appears if modifications are made to the settings and the user attempts to switch off of the component's tab(s) without first saving the settings.

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]

    Re: Miva Merchant 5.5 Production Release 8 Release Notes - Part 2

    Bug Fixes:

    • 5391: Batch Edit screens show "N/A" for the count in bottom left in some cases
    • 5479: prodexp - doesn't respect the delimiter choice in the header
    • 5562: Manage Orders - Default sort order makes no sense
    • 5564: Manage Orders - Use price group adjusted prices when adding items to an order
    • 5566: Head Tag Template - Move charset=UTF-8 from Page Template to Head Tag Template
    • 5587: Admin / Manage Orders - config change, allow CVV Code to be optional
    • 5596: Picklist popup page missing a print function
    • 5600: Admin / Products - Allow Setting Variant Delimiter (instead of "_" use "-")
    • 5611: SEO settings contained in page settings are exported with the framework
    • 5620: google checkout w/ CSSUI
    • 5644: Manage Orders, Shipments and Emails - wrong accent display issues for Canada
    • 5660: Affiliate URL includes session id of logged in affiliate
    • 5680: no encryption pass phrase entered and lock button shows unlocked
    • 5682: sitemap addition to CSSUI global footer is wrong
    • 5683: Deactivated License admin message needs an update to the Miva Support page
    • 5685: After product_list item executes, the last array element is erased.
    • 5701: EOF error when attempting to re-order a product that has been deactivated through order history
    • 5703: SKIN_Install_Components uses MvIMPORT instead of file_read
    • 5704: PRV_Action_ProvisionStringData is using MvEXPORT instead of file_create
    • 5713: CSSUI Product List Component never outputs product description variable in expanded mode
    • 5714: Validate_Email - allows spaces and strings of "." (.., ...) in email addresses
    • 5729: CSSUI BASK page template has unencoded ampersand in checkout URL
    • 5739: Products imported from flat file have inventory settings set to "No" if not defined
    • 5749: OSEL screen in CSSUI failed validation
    • 5750: USPS generating error when trying to create shipping labels if an ampersand is included in the name
    • 5754: paypalpro: Some report fields are present but empty when order data is encrypted
    • 5762: Clicking Refresh on an empty BASK screen generates a Fatal Error
    • 5763: Back Order Confirmation HTML Email does not display expected in-stock date
    • 5764: Back Order Confirmation HTML Email displays numeric order status instead of text
    • 5765: Meta tags are displaying on the page when assigned in CSSUI
    • 5769: USPS Small Flat Rate Box not displaying on checkout
    • 5770: admin session timeout allows you to refresh without entering admin login
    • 5771: PR7 update 7 SendEmail function outputs a different number of new line characters
    • 5772: mivasql stores are doubling the number of orders in the batch report
    • 5773: Attribute Machine item interferes with ability to add Select One option to attributes
    • 5785: Adding Related products makes product footer disappear- CSSUI
    • 5786: No index is created for the sNN_RelatedProductDisplayOrder table
    • 5788: Feature Request: function to edit a related product record's display order
    • 5791: authnet: CC number validation allows non-numeric characters to be passed to and stored
    • 5794: misspelling in Add Encryption Key
    • 5795: customer export shifting information
    • 5799: misspelling in css file
    • 5803: g.clientside_url is broken from json.mvc (and children) as well as third party payment return scripts
    • 5805: blank error message when using Chase payment gateway
    • 5807: Using SEO short links strips off Affiliate Code
    • 5808: paypal express disabled also removes pro payment methods
    • 5809: Inventory kit contents when generating a picklist for an order.
    • 5813: paypalpro: Authorization error messages are not reported properly from admin
    • 5815: Remove the 3 Sales Questions from the last screen in Setup
    • 5816: Edit product variant/part dialog's iframe backing does not resize properly
    • 5820: Load_Offset functions should use DB_OPENVIEW_Range
    • 5821: Load_Offset functions should use LEFT OUTER JOIN instead of NOT IN
    • 5823: First,_Next,_Previous,_Last load functions should use DB_OPENVIEW_Range
    • 5824: attribute template name blank after being assigned to product
    • 5828: Manage Orders: Batches without names cannot be selected
    • 5829: Manage Orders: Creating a batch changes the batch selection but does not properly reload the list of orders
    • 5830: Manage Orders: Order Charge Dialog IE6 backing does not resize when charges are added or removed
    • 5831: CSSUI Shipping Dropdown cuts off shipping name of > ~28 chars
    • 5833: The Content component uses l.product_list as a variable in its SkinsComponentModule_Export_Item
    • 5834: Chunk_Split in can fail to output the last byte
    • 5843: Callers of TemplateManager_Page_Assign_Item must manually call Page_Update to save newly assigned item settings
    • 5845: Fulfillment Module Trigger Dialog: "Process" button does not re-enable after an error
    • 5853: Module tabs do not appear on Affiliate Add/Edit screen
    • 5854: Without view money privilege, no tabs appear on the Affiliate batch edit screen
    • 5863: Fatal error when clicking cancel after attempting to delete an invalid framework
    • 5864: Frameworks fail to install if the package filename is different from the framework code
    • 5870: authnet report fields in manage orders do not include all fields from it's tab
    • 5878: Modal frame does not prevent tabbing to "dimmed" controls
    • 5881: json.mvc does not call OpenBasket() for runtime sessions, which prevents AttributeMachine from working properly with availability groups
    • 5884: Templates with only zeros of any number cannot be updated to be empty or to a different number of zeros
    • 5885: PayPalPro does not use the TemplateManager_CreateTemplate_NoDuplicates function
    • 5888: Refreshing the Invoice page generates a checkout_invalid_session UI exception
    • 5890: When running on 5.10 engine, PA-DSS checklist tab (and PIG) should require that debug logging be disabled
    • 5897: Chase: MvCALL errors are fatal, leading to empty checkout pages if network errors occur
    • 5903: Custom fields not showing up on the admin Categories screen
    • 5904: CSSUI Product List component hiding incorrect custom fields count variable
    • 5910: MMUI Store: Fatal Error when attempting to select a product image type in Category Display Layout
    • 5915: Private keys are not deleted from sNN_PrivateKeys when an encryption key is deleted
    • 5918: MMUI/CSSUI Product List Components: "Product Columns" setting is present in line item mode and outputs a confusing validation error
    • 5920: setup.mvc engine version check should be updated to 5.10
    • 5923: CSSUI Product list component has no "mode" setting
    • 5924: MMUI Product List Component: "Layout" configuration setting disappears in advanced mode
    • 5944: Action_CalculateTax re-loads the tax module and mysteriously loads all TAX charges for no good reason
    • 5946: Action_CalculateShipping loads all SHIPPING basketcharges after calculation
    • 5948: cmp-*-orderlist and cmp-*-vieworder need cleanup
    • 5952: Plus sign menu expand icon still appears next to Utilities in the left navigation with no sub-items
    • 5954: Default order history and order list templates should be redesigned
    • 5962: Attribute Machine does not return prices adjusted for price groups
    • 5965: files do not contain ident tags
    • 5967: There is no secure g.Domain:image_root
    • 5973: Domain password complexity provisioning does not validate its numeric fields
    • 5974: JSON_OrderPayment_Capture does not properly handle return values from legacy PaymentModule_Process()
    • 5975: Wombat-updated payment modules report errors incorrectly in 5.60 API functions
    • 5977: Product Display custom field settings are never exported when in advanced mode
    • 5981: Login Screen CSS "loginfield" style references a non existent image
    • 5989: Admin pages should not be exported when saving a framework
    • 5991: Importing Products from Flat File does not set Inventory Tracking or Stock
    • 5992: When TemplateManager_Create_ManagedTemplate encounters a template compilation error, it leaves a dangling ManagedTemplate database entry
    • 5994: Module_Notify_OrderItem_StatusChange is not passed an array of pre-modification orderitems, contrary to documentation
    • 5995: Canceling an order item does not properly adjust variant inventory
    • 5996: OrderItemList_Received replenishes inventory and does not properly handle attribute inventory
    • 5997: Left Nav not refreshing after Deleting a Category from Cat. Batch Edit Screen
    Last edited by Rick Wilson; 06-08-11, 03:42 PM.

    Rick Wilson
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]


      Re: Miva Merchant 5.5 Production Release 8 Release Notes - Part 3

      Bug Fixes Continued:

      • 6013: cssui.css contains incorrect IE 6 min-height hack rule
      • 6014: AJAX list fields with pagination settings do not back up when the last item on a page is deleted
      • 6016: CSSUI placeholder banner image needs to be removed
      • 6018: Validate_WholeNumber does not set g.Validation_Message on failure
      • 6020: There is leftover 4.x provisioning code in several feature files
      • 6021: prodexp: Inventory fields bleed from an inventory product to subsequent non-inventory products
      • 6024: Custom Fields are not always cleaned up when a Product, Category, or Customer is deleted
      • 6025: Edit product Inventory Kit Builder edit part dialog's iframe backing does not resize properly
      • 6026: User Batch Edit: When page_len is 0 or there are no users, incorrect "No records" display
      • 6027: User_Add: DefaultPagination has no default
      • 6031: CSSUI Category Product List Layout component uses mvta encoding in default template
      • 6033: CBAmazon bug in CBAmazon_CreateTemporaryBasket
      • 6034: cmp-cssui-html: Template is updated on every call to Module_Store_Update
      • 6035: Attribute inventory is not properly replenished when deleting an order with outstanding items
      • 6037: Canadian VAT editing Province does not save updated Province selection
      • 6041: IE Java Script Error in Manage Orders Add Items, 'target.ontab' in file admin/order/itemdialog.js
      • 6045: Product SKU is not searchable from runtime
      • 6046: Product Display Layout components do not support the SKU field
      • 6047: Product List components do not support the SKU field
      • 6050: custeml: Default HTML template does not include ship to or bill to country
      • 6051: canvat: Runtime error when placing free order from a country other than Canada
      • 6052: Attribute Machine does not support framework settings export
      • 6055: Legacy Order Processing: With payment decrypted, pressing Update wipes out secure payment data with most payment modules
      • 6056: AJAX_Call attempts to eval() aborted request responses, then displays an error popup
      • 6058: No boldface in Batch Edit screen Hover effect
      • 6059: User_Update assumes a missing Administrator sub-tag means turn the administrator privilege off
      • 6060: Order Detail screen should refresh address and other "core" order information after modifications
      • 6068: Affiliate_Add: Created affiliates always have an application status of "Pending"
      • 6069: Products Batch Edit Screen not displaying .00 on a MySQL Store
      • 6070: Color selector does not trigger SetModified on fields that have an onchange event
      • 6071: MMUI Category: Errors when provisioning with multiple CatTree_Updates inside a single Module tag
      • 6072: buysafe: Non-fatal errors during install and uninstall on CSSUI
      • 6078: Adding Page with invalid Template code produces a Fatal Error
      • 6087: MMUI: Applying css_fw then default_fw leaves several buttons with css_fw images
      • 6089: Frameworks export images from page/component templates incorrectly
      • 6091: Product_Add and Product_Update do not support SKU
      • 6103: Copyright Update on bottom of Main Screen
      • 6112: Customer Passwords are trim'd in runtime but not in admin
      • 6116: Add dialogs should implement the "Add +" button
      • 6123: Miva Submit Wizard Not Accepting Terms PopUp Dialog has " "
      • 6130: Uploaded file extensions should be forced to lower case
      • 6131: Updated Links
      • 6137: Domain , does not allow a value of 0
      • 6153: Modal Dialog displays that increase the scrollHeight of the page do not resize modal dimming frame
      • 6168: Manage Orders - Paste Encryption passphrase via Mouse, Continue button not enabled
      • 6172: XSS on BLNK screen
      • 6174: JSON_Encode outputs encoded strings that violate the JSON standard
      • 6175: Address dialog's title bar is getting font-size:85% doubled in managed order screen
      • 6176: AJAX_Call should use JSON.parse() when it is available
      • 6177: XSS: Manage Orders and Manage Shipments display Customer fields unencoded
      • 6178: XSS: Order Details shows addresses unencoded
      • 6179: XSS: Additional XSS in AJAX dialogs
      • 6182: Returned or RMA issued items are returned to inventory when an order is deleted
      • 6183: Order_Add with tag does not decrement product inventory
      • 6185: It is possible to double click on the New Order button and create two orders at once
      • 6193: UTF-7 (and other character set) XSS issue in fatal errors
      • 6194: XSS: FileUpload_Form
      • 6198: Affiliate Configuration Screen, Payouts Tab: items per page doesn't default to 1 when value is 0, or negative
      • 6207: Manage Orders> edit order > Lookup Customer:> lookup list does not activate if nothing is in text field. (MIVASQL only)
      • 6208: Manage Orders> edit order > add item> auto complete behavior is inconsistent.
      • 6212: paylink: XSS in Payment Wizard, Wizard_PayLink:FPS_fail
      • 6214: Unable to upload framework when using alternative secure environment
      • 6222: USPS: RateV3 and IntlRate request types are being discontinued
      • 6223: USPS: Provisioning tag takes attribute code but looks up methods by name
      • 6230: Miva admin> Wizards> add a product> entering a product that uses special characters creates a product with no product code.
      • 6238: FireFox 4>Edit Product>Inventory Variants>Checked Variant does not enable the Delete Selected Button
      • 6239: Manage Orders: Item Dialog: Attribute lookup displays attribute code twice, instead of the prompt
      • 6240: XSS: list layout elements > java script will run and generate a pop up if it is entered as an image type description.
      • 6241: Wizards>Add a Product Attribute>Broken Add Additional Option(s) button
      • 6242: Admin> domain settings > launchpad> unable to turn off β€œDel.Basketsβ€ or add any of the links in the β€œAvailable linksβ€ drop down.
      • 6243: Runtime> Category tree> incorrect class leveling when nested more then 2 deep.
      • 6246: Typo>buySAFE 2.0>Set up screen - "Please setup *you* buySAFE for Miva Merchant Module first by clicking here."
      • 6249: View Only Users>Global Settings>Edit User>Fatal Error when attempting to add a new user
      • 6251: Unable to create store with incorrectly configured root directory for graphics, "Record not found: MER-DBP-STR-00013"
      • 6254: Users without admin privileges that are Managers of stores, and group users with store settings privileges cannot save, select, or delete frameworks
      • 6256: UI Buttons displaying incorrectly for set user privileges
      • 6261: Admin> Utilities > import data> import categories from flat file. Allows invalid characters in code fields to be uploaded
      • 6262: XSS: Admin> Categories> category codes are not encoded on edit category screen.
      • 6265: mvusps: USPS MvCALLs are fatal during checkout
      • 6268: ProductVariant_Is_Possible does not account for product inventory
      • 6269: JSON_Possible: Invalid variant solution code does not always attempt to change the selection of previously selected attributes
      • 6273: Admin > manage orders > edit order > edit item quantity > attribute variants do not change inventory correctly when attribute template is added with inventory checked.
      • 6278: Admin, utilities, buySAFE 2.0, installing buySAFE from the utilities screen causes the page to refresh incorrectly.
      • 6279: Admin, store settings, delete store, deleting a store that has buySAFE installed, causes runtime errors.
      • 6280: Images exported out of templates are saved in dynamic 0000000X folders, but the templates are exported statically
      • 6285: User_Update: You can turn off Administrator privileges, but you cannot turn them on
      • 6286: Database functions containing MvOPENVIEW or MvQUERY should have ERROROUTPUTLEVEL = ""
      • 6288: Payment modules with drop-down selects for expiration year should be extended to 25 years in the future
      • 6292: admin: SQL Injection on Store_Table_Prefix
      • 6293: UPS: "Update Tables" button appears without modify shipping privilege, generates fatal error when pressed
      • 6295: Action_StoreModules_Update does not allow add or remove of modules without modify privilege
      • 6297: prodexp: Exporting products in a category terminates early when recycles are required
      • 6300: look up, Look up list does not display correctly in webkit browsers.
      • 6302: Admin, search field is not right justified in webkit browsers.
      • 6303: Admin, products, edit product, attributes, add attribute, Image and Type columns are right justified.
      • 6304: Low level file upload code does not properly validate permissions
      • 6306: Admin, pages, PLST, Header and Footer (hdft), text boxes display small when viewed with a webkit browser.

      Rick Wilson
      Miva, Inc.
      [email protected]


        Re: Miva Merchant 5.5 Production Release 8 Release Notes

        Hi Rick,

        This is great news!

        Originally posted by Rick Wilson View Post
        Component modules with tabs that appear on all pages and the Edit Store screen now only save their settings if you are viewing their tab. A notification now appears if modifications are made to the settings and the user attempts to switch off of the component's tab(s) without first saving the settings.
        How much testing have you done on this with 3rd party mods? I think in general this is a Good Idea, but a lot of mods have been designed knowing that all tabs get submitted at once. I presume those that follow the hidden/load_data conventions will work fine, but... you never know. What about modules that present multiple tabs? One tab might rely on the other?

        Also, if it's not consistent across the board for all mods, this could become a little bit of a support issue. Some update when other tabs are submitted, some don't. What about component mods that are also shipping mods, will their shipping settings still submit with all other tabs, etc.

        James Harrell
        current: Friend of Miva
        2007-2012 eMediaSales & Viking Coders
        2005-2007 Miva Merchant
        2001-2005 Copernicus


          Re: Miva Merchant 5.5 Production Release 8 Release Notes

          Originally posted by eMediaSales View Post
          Hi Rick,

          This is great news!

          How much testing have you done on this with 3rd party mods? I think in general this is a Good Idea, but a lot of mods have been designed knowing that all tabs get submitted at once. I presume those that follow the hidden/load_data conventions will work fine, but... you never know. What about modules that present multiple tabs? One tab might rely on the other?

          Also, if it's not consistent across the board for all mods, this could become a little bit of a support issue. Some update when other tabs are submitted, some don't. What about component mods that are also shipping mods, will their shipping settings still submit with all other tabs, etc.

          This change only affects the component modules in our standard distribution. It is a module change, not an API change. Unless you have modules that are playing fast and loose with hidden fields from the Module_Store_Content function in one of our component modules, you should not be affected.


            Production Release 8 Has Been Released.

            Production Release 8 has been released.

            Rick Wilson
            Miva, Inc.
            [email protected]


              Re: Miva Merchant 5.5 Production Release 8 Release Notes

              yeah !! ???????????
              Sabine Sharp
              eCommerce Strategies & Solutions
              Glendale Designs
              Support Desk

