Re: Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
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Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
Re: Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
Where can i download Miva Mia 5.20?
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Re: Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
Yes we're doing an all new DTS (Developer Training Series) and a new Store Owner Series for Version 9. They'll both come out with the release this fall.
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Re: Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
I know how new this is, but I'm wondering if you will be doing a Developer Training Series or the equivalent for version 9.
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Re: Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
I got this back from Dev just now:
We’re mostly concerned with modules not displaying properly in the admin UI at this point (as in Leslie’s thread). There aren’t any other changes to the API, other than the new tables and columns for the coupons and discounts.
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Re: Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
There's a wholly new Admin. While it's designed to be backward compatible it's a ground up rewrite, so we recommend focusing your testing there (and ultimately updating your UI to match).
Second the concept of Price Groups has been overhauled, so any module that impacts discounts, sales or coupons should be put through it's paces.
Yes API docs will be coming shortly but as this is a Beta, simply getting it into Deva hands was the highest priority.
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Re: Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
Hi Rick,
I'm concerned, of course, by the note that "Due to the nature of the changes in Miva Merchant 9, incompatibilities with 3rd party modules are very likely." Can you give us some specifics on that, or at least some hints on what to look for? Are there changes to the API or other internals?
Thanks --
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Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 Has Been Released
And is available now via the Beta Upgrade Stream via the Streaming Upgrade System.
Miva Merchant 9 Beta 1 is intended for 3rd party developers, integrators and early adopters to evaluate compatibility and functionality. It is not intended for use on production stores. Prior to installing this patch, please consider the following points:
- Install this patch only on development stores.
- Ensure that you have a backup prior to installing the patch.
- While we intend to provide an upgrade path from the beta stream to the final Miva Merchant 9 release, it is possible that we will be unable to do so.
- Due to the nature of the changes in Miva Merchant 9, incompatibilities with 3rd party modules are very likely.
To Join The Beta:
1. Log into your Miva Merchant PR8 Update 12 Store (to get a free Developer Store for testing go here: and click Create Developer Store)
2. Click on Global Settings in your upper left nav
3. Click on Domain Settings
4. Click on the Upgrade Settings tab
5. Change Upgrade Stream To Beta
Now you will notice your store shows "Updates Available" go ahead and run the Version 9 Beta 1 Update.
Please note you have to have Miva Empresa 5.20 in order to run the Version 9 Beta.
We have created the following new Forum specifically for the Version 9 Beta. Please use this Forum for reporting Bugs, asking questions and providing feedback:
Version 9 Beta 1 Release Notes:
* Many related features have been combined to make navigating the administrative interface easier.
* A new universal search feature makes it possible to search all catalog content and administrative interface screens/tabs from a single search bar
* All dialog boxes may now be repositioned, and many permit resizing. Modifications to the size/position of a dialog box are stored as per-user preferences so the next time the dialog is displayed it will retain the previous size and position.
* The left navigation menu has been eliminated in favor of a much simplified top-level pull down menu with fewer items.
- Many items which were previously on separate tabs are now displayed as separate sections of the same top-level tab
- Wizards are now available only through the universal search
- Groups, Countries, States and Order Encryption have been moved to the Store Settings screen
- Pages now known as User Interface
- Categories, Products, Attribute Templates and Inventory have been combined into a single Catalog screen
- Upsale, Affiliate Settings and Price Groups have been combined into a single Marketing screen
- Shipping and Packaging Rules have been combined into the Shipping screen
- Availability Groups have been moved into the Customers screen
- Manage Orders and Manage Shipments have been combined into a single Order Processing screen
- Items previously displayed under Payment Links are now displayed as a submenu under Payment in the main menu
- All import and export modules, as well as the previous content of the Import Data screen, are now displayed on the Data Management screen
- Items other than import/export which previously appeared under Utilities (such as Image Management), are now displayed as a submenu under Utilities in the main menu
- Component module settings which previously appeared on the Edit Store screen are now displayed on the User Interface screen. Most of the settings are grouped together on the Settings tab. These global settings no longer appear when editing individual pages.
* A new control allows the user to toggle word wrapping on the text area for product descriptions
* Users may now bookmark pages within the administrative interface by clicking on the flag displayed in the upper right hand corner of the screen
* The administrative interface now stores and displays each user's browsing history, making it easier to go back and forth between commonly used pages
* The home screen has been redesigned to show information more clearly
* In order processing, when viewing an order, the list of orders collapses to the left side of the screen, allowing the user to quickly scan through orders
* Most administrative pages now display navigational breadcrumbs
* Dates and times are displayed in the time zone and with the locale settings of the browser
* The Batch Image Assign tab has been replaced with a button on the Product Attributes tab which allows images to be added to all variant part products for a particular attribute or option
* A new Image Picker allows users to browse/search previously uploaded images, upload new images, and assign image types
* The process of assigning modules to a store has been simplified. All modules now display a description of their functionality to make choosing modules easier.
* Batch processing simplified in the following ways:
- Lists can be navigated via Pagination or Infinite Scroll mode
- Advanced search options
- Settings are remembered per user
- Visible columns can be controlled
- Column positions and size may be changed
- CSV export of list data
- Inline editing of multiple records is now supported
* Add-on Product: Automatically adds a single product to the basket at a discounted price when the discount criteria are met
* Buy X Get Y: Provides "buy x quantity", "get y quantity" at a discounted rate
* Fixed Discount: Applies a fixed discount amount to one or more items or the basket subtotal
* Percentage Discount: Applies a percentage discount to one or more items or the basket subtotal
* Specific Sale Price: Allows the sale price of items to be overwritten with values specific to the price group being applied
* Shipping Discount (Entire Order): Discounts shipping rates for the entire order
* Shipping Discount (Eligible Products Only): Discounts shipping rates for eligible products within an order
* Volume Pricing: Discounts items based on the quantity purchased
Miva Merchant 9 introduces built-in support for coupons. Each coupon has a unique code and applies one or more price groups (and their associated discounting rules) to a basket. Coupons have the following additional features:
* Configurable validity date range
* Configurable maximum number of total uses
* Configurable maximum number of uses per shopper (based on billing email address)
* Coupons may be restricted to a specific customer or customers
* The software can batch-generate unique coupon codes, optionally assigning each unique coupon to a specific customer account.
* Price groups may now be applied to all shoppers or all logged in customers, in addition to specific customers (as in previous versions)
* Price groups may now be configured to apply only within a certain time window
* In addition to the legacy calculations, price groups may now discount products using discount modules, which allows more complicated discounting schemes
* Price groups that apply discounts using a discount module have the following additional features:
- New qualifying product configuration allows separation of the products that qualify a basket for a discount and the products that are actually discounted within the basket
- Price group application may be restricted by qualifying product or basket characteristics, such as subtotal, quantity and weight
- The order in which price groups are applied to the basket is now configurable
- Overlapping price group exclusions may now be configured on a basket or item level
* Error messages displayed in runtime, including payment module error messages, may now be edited
* The CSSUI basket and invoice component modules now have a Point + Click configuration mode, which allows easy configuration of the following common functions:
- Display of a single product image within the basket
- Control over discount display
- Control over coupon application
* New provisioning tags permit more detailed third party order management integration using mmprovision:
- Order_Update
- Order_Update_Item
- Order_Delete_Item
* The Shipment Export module now includes the destination country in its output
6049: Related Products: RelatedProduct_Update_Product should be removed in PR9
7773: Provisioning: with a ",>,<, or & in the store code "Import Data and Settings in XML Provisioning Format" always errors out.
10984: Provisioning: Child tags of Country_Update should not be required
10986: Provisioning: User_Add does not support HoverOn
10992: Provisioning: Store_Add/Store_Update: PriceGroupOverlap should use PRV_Tag_List
10994: Provisioning: Store_Update does not support the CharacterSet tag
10996: Provisioning: Product_Update allows a product name to be set to an empty string
11072: Provisioning: AffiliateOptions_Update uses PRV_Tag_Text for pay_thresh, which is a numeric field
11073: Provisioning: Affiliate_Update uses PRV_Tag_Text for ApplicationStatus
11081: Provisioning: Cosmetic: ImageType provisioning functions specify their tag names as lower case
11085: Provisioning: OrderShipment_SetStatus does not permit an empty TrackingType tag
11086: Provisioning: PRV_Action_Provision_Store_Order_Backorder_Items and helper functions pass tag names as lower case
11226: Core Runtime: Customer information variables are populated after a failed log in at runtime.
11257: Module: tokenlist: Token list does not properly parse the end of some entities
11469: Module: mvfedexsoap: Only the enabled flag of available services should be allowed to be updated when updating the configuration settings
11521: Module: productimport: Images uploaded via product import are added alphabetically by image type.
11522: Reporting Subsystem: reportaddeditdialog.js: Save_Callback does not declare variable "j"
11523: Reporting Subsystem: Report Add/Edit dialog does not apply correct styles to prompts after a validation error
11535: Module: shipexport: Export shipment information should export the ship to country code
11564: Administrative Interface: Authorize payment dialog does not apply correct styles to prompts after a validation error
11567: Module: shopascustomer: store code is not included in the shop as customer link.
11586: Module: customfields: Updating custom field options does not update field values when the options values are changed
11588: Administrative Interface: Google Chrome: Tabbing within a Textareas in Admin scrolls the textarea to the bottom
11702: Provisioning: PRV_Tag_Date causes a Fatal Error on the parent tag when Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, or Second does not validate correctly
11704: Module: imagemanagement: Image management: incorrect error returned when checking for updated images if the image file is missing.
11705: Module: mvfedexsoap: ShippingModule_Calculate_Basket does not properly handle the case where its BasketInfo record is not present
11706: Module: upsxml: ShippingModule_Calculate_Basket does not properly handle the case where its BasketInfo record is not present
11740: Module: cbamazon: Checkout by Amazon: Updating a component shows fatal error instead of field error
11993: Database Layer: Add function to lib/dbprim/ that loads an order payment by refnum
11995: Shipping/Packaging Rules: Shipping method rules, restrict to zip codes list doesn't properly handle zip+4 scenarios
11997: Module: shopascustomer: Customer sessions are still treated as active after the basket expires
12026: Utility Library: AppendRuntimeParameter incorrect encodes its "value" parameter
12038: Module: mvfedexsoap: Weights that are exactly 0 should not be rounded up to .1lbs
12133: Core Runtime: Country code is not validated against the enabled store countries during checkout
12140: Module: customfields: Custom field option values should be trimmed on insert and update
12180: Administrative Interface: After pressing Add+, you can set focus to links and other elements behind the modal window using the tab key
12193: Administrative Interface: Variant dialog title should change based on adding/editing a variant
12194: Administrative Interface: Autocomplete="off" should be added to the add/edit variant dialog part code input field
12198: Administrative Interface: No hover effect in autocomplete in batch image assign dialog.
12203: Core Runtime: Gray bar at the top of the prod page in mmui & mmui css_fw (IE7 only)
12211: Administrative Interface: Additional images, Choose files button can not upload multiple files in FF 3.6.
12224: Administrative Interface: Multiple locations: target="_new" is not valid HTML and should be replaced with target="_blank"
12227: Module: cmp-cssui-hdft: modules/component/ unencoded ampersand output in search form action URL
12368: Administrative Interface: Setting attribute option of 000 to default while there are other all 0 options creates an error.
12455: Module: mvcanadapost: Separate manifests are generated for domestic / international shipments
12459: Module: shipexport: Export shipment information should export the address line 2
12552: Module: authnet: Authnet should always send expiration month as a two digit value.
12553: Utility Library: Typing out the state name bypasses state based sales tax
12556: Module: customfields: Runtime custom field modifications log administrative activity log messages with an empty username
12559: CSSUI Templates: CSSUI SRCH page's main template needs to encode g.sessionurl for use in its search form action attribute
12560: CSSUI cssui_default_fw: (cssui_default_fw): CSSUI SRCH page's main template needs to encode g.sessionurl for use in its search form action parameter
12600: Administrative Interface: Generate Shipping Label dialog should remember the last used state of the "Mark Shipment as Shipped" checkbox
12668: Module: templateorderemails: Template based emails should have an order subtotal token
12703: Module: cmp-cssui-custfields: Need to encode the output of g.clientside_url in ToggleDetails script URL
12704: Module: cmp-cssui-invc-order: Order subtotal / formatted_subtotal should be made an available token
12705: CSSUI cssui_default_fw: Need to entity encode the output of g.clientside_url in the ToggleDetails.js URL
12711: Administrative Interface: Import link retains focus after modal dialog is displayed.
12713: Administrative Interface: Edit order, Edit item dialog uses order_itemdialog_complete_text for lookup list
12730: Administrative Interface: Non-administrative users can update the preferences of other users
12746: Module: vat: Clicking edit for a product that is in edit here mode on the VAT tab takes you to add product.
12758: Import Subsystem: JSON output for Module information is incorrect
12764: Administrative Interface: Support request email error alert has incorrect support phone number
12782: Administrative Interface: JavaScript error: "Tab is not defined" when attempting to delete baskets
12824: Module: chasepaytech: CVV message in wizard summary fields is not output encoded
12832: Module: paypalpro: PayPal In-Context Checkout uses incorrect endpoint URLs
12853: Module: mvcanadapost: Canada Post should save tracking-pin as the tracking number.
12891: Module: mvcanadapost: Create tracking link
12954: Administrative Interface: Module_Store_Head is not called when displaying global component module configuration on the Edit Page screen
13545: Administrative Interface: Batch Image Assign tab appears without function when user has View Products privilege
13558: Module: cmp-cssui-afflink: Affiliate link edit fields do not use DrawTemplateTextArea
13642: Administrative Interface: During store creation the Newfoundland and Labrador province code should be NL
13659: Administrative Interface: Product level shipping rules displays " as "e;
13660: Administrative Interface: Mail settings, mail password needs autocomplete=off.
13666: Administrative Interface: Manage orders should show date and time an order was placed.
14563: MMUI css_fw: Applying the css_fw causes the SMAP page to be created while the Sitemap is disabled
14715: Module: afwizard: Activating the affiliate email notification from the affiliate wizard causes fatal error in MySql strict
15101: Administrative Interface: Attribute image paths are not displayed if the path does not start from the root directory for graphics.
15171: Core Runtime: Multiple runtime pages: XSS on Error_Messages and Information_Messages
Tags: None
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