Re: Miva Empresa 5.23 Has Been Released
From a look at the LSK source code, it appears that the slugify operation consists of the following steps:
- Replace a number of international characters with alphanumeric substitutes; e.g. use upper-case A instead of the "A with a tilde on top" character (ASCII 195).
- Replace all white-space characters with dashes.
- Remove anything that's not an alphanumeric, dash, or underscore.
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Miva Empresa 5.23 Has Been Released
Re: Miva Empresa 5.23 Has Been Released
Hey Kent -
In the 9.0004 LSK see this file:
It has a function: URI_Slugify. The Engine version of this does the same replacement, just faster since it is at the engine level.
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Re: Miva Empresa 5.23 Has Been Released
Originally posted by Rick Wilson View PostMiva Empresa 5.23 Release Notes
New Built-in Functions
slugify( data )
Use this function to create friendly URLs. It takes characters that are forbidden in URIs and either converts them to a valid ASCII character or remove thems completely. It adds a hyphen (-) in place of all space characters. For example, the product "Padre Baseball Hat!" becomes "Padre-Baseball-Hat" which is now URI friendly.
Thanks --
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Miva Empresa 5.23 Has Been Released
Miva Empresa 5.23 Release Notes
New Features
New Built-in Functions
slugify( data )
Use this function to create friendly URLs. It takes characters that are forbidden in URIs and either converts them to a valid ASCII character or remove thems completely. It adds a hyphen (-) in place of all space characters. For example, the product "Padre Baseball Hat!" becomes "Padre-Baseball-Hat" which is now URI friendly.
- data - The string to convert
Return Value:
- The converted URI friendly string
miva_splitstring( string, sep, output var, flags )
Splits a string into chunks in an array, using the separator parameter as the point to split the string.
- string – The input string
- sep – A single character that will be used to split the string into multiple elements
- output var – The array of elements
- flags – A comma separated list of any of the following:
- trim – removes extra space around the left and right sides of all elements
- ltrim – removes extra space around the left side of all elements
- rtrim – removes extra space around the right side of all elements
- lower – converts all elements to lowercase
- upper – converts all elements to uppercase
- insensitive – searches for sep input parameter using a case-insensitive search
Return Value:
- The number of elements in the output array
fssymlink( source, destination )
This function creates a symbolic link from a file in the data directory to the scripts directory (Available on UNIX file systems only).
- source – source file fully qualified path in the data directory
- destination – destination file fully qualified path in the scripts directory
Return Value:
- 1 if success
- 0 if fail
sfsymlink( source, destination )
This function creates a symbolic from a file in the scripts directory to the data directory (Available on UNIX file systems only).
- source – source file fully qualified path in the scripts directory
- destination – destination file fully qualified path in the data directory
Return Value:
- 1 if success
- 0 if fail
New API Methods
mvProgram_CharacterSetIsUTF8 – Determines whether the current character set is set to UTF8
- mvProgram program: The current MivaVM
Return Value:
- 1 if the character set is UTF8
- 0 otherwise
mvProgram_GetCharacterSet – Returns the current character set
- mvProgram program: The current MivaVM
Return Value:
- A null terminated string containing the current character set
mvLinkBuffer_Allocate – A wrapper method used to interact with the LinkBuffer class
- int first_block_size – The size in bytes of the first block to be created
- int grow_size – The size in bytes of all subsequent blocks that are created
Return Value:
- Returns an mvLinkBuffer which is a pointer to the LinkBuffer class in memory
mvLinkBuffer_Free – A wrapper method used to delete a previously allocated LinkBuffer
- mvLinkBuffer linkbuffer – A previously allocated mvLinkBuffer
Return Value:
- None
mvLinkBuffer_Concat_String – A wrapper method used to append a string to the end of the LinkBuffer string
- mvLinkBuffer linkbuffer – A previously allocated mvLinkBuffer
- const char *data – The data string to add to the end of the LinkBuffer string
- int data_length – The length of the passed in data pointer
Return Value:
- None
mvLinkBuffer_Concat_Char – A wrapper method used to append a character to the end of the LinkBuffer string
- mvLinkBuffer linkbuffer – A previously allocated mvLinkBuffer
- char data – A single character to add to the end of the LinkBuffer string
Return Value:
- None
mvLinkBuffer_Concat_HexChar – A wrapper method used to append a character in hex format to the end of the LinkBuffer string
- mvLinkBuffer linkbuffer – A previously allocated mvLinkBuffer
- unsigned char data – A single character that will be converted to hex, then added to the end of the LinkBuffer string
Return Value:
- None
mvLinkBuffer_Concat_Release – A wrapper method used to get the value of all LinkBuffer blocks glued together. Using this method will clear out the data from the LinkBuffer memory and you are responsible for freeing it from memory.
- mvLinkBuffer linkbuffer – A previously allocated mvLinkBuffer
- int *data_length – An output parameter stating the length of the returned data string
- int *data_size – An output parameter stating how many bytes are allocated for the returned data string
- int headroom – A value that ensures X number of extra bytes are available in the size of the returned data string (useful if you want to ensure there is enough room to null-terminate the string)
Return Value:
- (char * ) A null-terminated string of all the data blocks glued together
mvLinkBuffer_Data – A wrapper method used to get the value of all LinkBuffer blocks glued together. Using this method will not clear out the data from memory and you should not free this from memory.
- mvLinkBuffer linkbuffer – A previously allocated mvLinkBuffer
- int *data_length – An output parameter stating the length of the returned data string
Return Value:
- (const char * ) A null-terminated string of all the data blocks glued together
Store Morph Changes
- &mvts:...; (outputs a token using the slugify function)
Other Changes
- Both the MivaScript compiler and virtual machine are now supported on MacOS X
- Hexadecimal values are now allowed for numeric configuration settings, such as MvCONFIG_FLAGS_SECURITY and MvCONFIG_LOG_LEVEL
Bugs Fixed
15219: Virtual Machine: HTTP headers are not correctly parsed in some cases
17647: Code Coverage Tool: mvcov --version flag should output a newline
17648: Profiling Tool: mvprof --version flag should output a newline
17782: Compiler: Compiling with -O flag on a string with escape characters causes unexpected behavior
18236: Compiler: Function parameters should not allow blank values
18241: Compiler: Compiler fails to correctly compile when a <=!=[=C=D=A=T=A=[ tag is present as XML/HTML
19027: Builtins: system: bi_miva_getvarlist should use memcmpi
19031: Compiler: Function parameters should only allow alphanumeric and underscore characters
19032: Configuration: Environment Based: Allow MvCONFIG_* integer data types to be specified in hexadecimal
19033: Configuration: 3.x: Allow MvCONFIG_* integer data types to be specified in hexadecimal
19168: Virtual Machine: Function parameter logging should recursively output structures and arrays
19415: Virtual Machine: Expression compiler fails to recognize invalid function when wrapped in RHS parentheses and combined with a BINARY operator
19489: Virtual Machine: htscallerid cookie is not properly handled on IIS7
19490: Virtual Machine: All application versions should free OpenSSL error strings
19492: Virtual Machine: ::MakeSessionID should initialize all data to 0
19493: Compiler: UNIXCompilerApplication never deletes its _library_manager pointer
19494: Compiler: Parser::~Parser never deletes its expression_parser pointer
19495: Compiler: FileCompilerParser::* - Allocated memory is not being deleted properly
19496: Assembler: AssemblerParser leaks memory when dealing with FunctionContexts
19497: Compiler: CompilerApplication::Go never deletes its parser pointer when a compile error occurs
19499: Assembler: AssemblerParser::ProcessImmediate never deletes allocated pointer
19516: Virtual Machine: String method "assign_nocopy" is incorrectly used in a number of places
19538: Virtual Machine: UNIXNetwork/WinSockNetwork::ReadLine does not build the buffer correctly when sequential reads occur without a newline
19547: Virtual Machine: s.callnumberofheaders is set incorrectly
19595: Virtual Machine: Variable's reference counts should be incremented when pushed onto the stack
19597: Virtual Machine: MivaVM_Stack::PopS: We should NULL terminate the copied variable string
19614: MivaSQL: Index lookups with keys longer than the 100 character limit result in incorrect resultsets
19685: Virtual Machine: MivaVM::Lookup_VariableList sometimes returns the incorrect number of list entries
19824: Compiler: CompilerParser fails to delete its pointers to global_variables and system_variables
19825: Compiler: CompilerParser does not delete the pointers stored in the called_functions hash table
19882: Builtins: file: bi_dir does not released its allocated VariableList
19883: Virtual Machine: mvDirectory_Listing should not increase the new variables refcount
19886: MivaSQL: SQLCreateIndexStatement fails to delete elements stored in the index_columnlist
19887: Builtins: system: miva_array_copy should not increase the new variables refcount
19888: Builtins: system: miva_array_merge should not increase the new variables refcount
19889: Configuration: 3.x: config3x_setconfigvalue fails to free memory when handling the CONFIG3X_SETTING_BUILTINDIR case
19890: Configuration: 3.x: Memory leak in config.l when parsing configuration files
19891: Builtins: archive: wdownload fails to free all of its allocate data
19892: Builtins: archive: xml_parse fails to delete the root context
19894: Builtins: archive: bi_tar_directory does not free the member variable
19895: MySQL Connector: The MySQL Connector needs to call mysql_library_end() in order to avoid memory leaks
19897: MivaSQL: xbasesql_db_openview doesn't delete the allocated view_context when an error occurs
19898: Virtual Machine: MivaVM_Stack::PopV( Variable **, int * ) does not delete string or link buffer data when the delete flag is set
19899: Builtins: system: miva_json_decode leaks memory in multiple locations
19900: Virtual Machine: SMTP::Start fails to delete its created SMTPOutput variable
19901: Builtins: mvlibgd: libgd_load_context does not delete its allocated context when an error occurs
19903: Builtins: template: mvt:assign/eval/do/call/foreach*/while* leak memory when outputting their error messages
19904: Builtins: mvlibgd: libgd_context_cleanup does not clean up all allocated memory
19906: Configuration: 3.x: VirtualHost tags do not behave properly when dnslookup is enabled
19907: Assembler: LocalizedIndex::Write does not fill the entire buffer; causes a Valgrind warning
19908: Compiler: ExpressionParser::Parse_Funcdo does not delete its Tokenizer pointer
19909: Builtins: crypto: bi_crypto_pbkdf2 fails to call all required OpenSSL cleanup functions
19912: Miva Mia: Miva Mia does not set s.content_length or s.content_type
19913: Miva Mia: Frequent crashes at address 0x0001fbf3 in MVDMYSQL.DLL when connecting to a MySQL server (Mia)
19915: Virtual Machine: MvCALL leaks memory when an invalid URL is specified or connection to the remote server failsLast edited by Rick Wilson; 09-24-15, 02:12 PM.Tags: None
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