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Need help updating our Miva store functionality

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    Originally posted by nhazzard View Post

    I realize that I am waking up an old post here. I could not find an answer anywhere else. For some reason I cannot make my own posts. I can only comment on someone else post.
    I have the same kind of need, but even simpler. I just want to sort by product code. Another way of solving this would be if when items are added to cart they be forced to auto sort by Product Code in alphanumeric order. This would actually be preferred by me. Right now they are added in order of when they were added by customer.

    Thanks to anyone who can help with this.
    Assuming you are new here (and to Miva), one thing that is very helpful is to state WHY you are doing something as just saying WHAT you want to happen doesn't get you to WHY in the fastest, least expensive way.

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  • lesliekirk
    Originally posted by nhazzard View Post
    For some reason I cannot make my own posts. I can only comment on someone else post.
    I noticed your low number of posts and wonder if you might have still been in moderation when you first attempted to post. You are now over the number of posts that need to be moderated so hopefully you will be able to create new posts. If you are still have trouble please reach out to Miva Support for assistance.

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  • Kent Multer
    Yes, I got a "visitor message" from you. I'm not sure what that is; I haven't seen that before. Maybe you haven't set up an account in the forum?

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  • nhazzard
    Originally posted by Kent Multer View Post
    Sorry to hear about your forum problem. You should probably contact Miva support to get that fixed.

    Regarding your current need -- having items sorted by product code -- I can help you with that. I'm pretty busy at the moment, but if you don't mind waiting a few weeks, you can PM or email me to discuss it.
    I tried to send you a PM. I think I messed up and sent it to the wrong place. Let me know if you got anything?

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  • Kent Multer
    Sorry to hear about your forum problem. You should probably contact Miva support to get that fixed.

    Regarding your current need -- having items sorted by product code -- I can help you with that. I'm pretty busy at the moment, but if you don't mind waiting a few weeks, you can PM or email me to discuss it.

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  • nhazzard
    Originally posted by Kent Multer View Post
    Hi Cocola, I can provide a custom module to sort your orders by delivery date. I can help you with your other issues too. If you're interested, you can PM or email me (Kent "at" TheMagicM "dot" com) to discuss the details.

    Thanks --
    I realize that I am waking up an old post here. I could not find an answer anywhere else. For some reason I cannot make my own posts. I can only comment on someone else post.
    I have the same kind of need, but even simpler. I just want to sort by product code. Another way of solving this would be if when items are added to cart they be forced to auto sort by Product Code in alphanumeric order. This would actually be preferred by me. Right now they are added in order of when they were added by customer.

    Thanks to anyone who can help with this.

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  • Kent Multer
    Hi Cocola, I can provide a custom module to sort your orders by delivery date. I can help you with your other issues too. If you're interested, you can PM or email me (Kent "at" TheMagicM "dot" com) to discuss the details.

    Thanks --

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  • Need help updating our Miva store functionality


    we are looking for someone who is able to help with the following:
    • Be able to sort orders by when the order needs to be ready not when the order is placed. This date is currently captured in the order addendum as a note, we need It to be captured systematically during checkout so later reports can be generated when the order needs to be finished.
    • The system should also prevent orders with less than 24 hours’ notice
    • Update our payment system to include PayPal and others
    Thank you.