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Image 'Main' > UATR vs UATM

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    Image 'Main' > UATR vs UATM



    Can anyone tell me why I can't get the main image on UATM but can on UATR?

    I verified that all the Items are the same except that UATM also has upsell_attr_mult

    I tried copying the code for image display which works on UATR

            <mvt:do file="g.Module_Library_DB" name="l.success" value="ImageType_Load_Code('main', l.settings:imagetype)"/>
            <mvt:do name="l.success" file="g.Module_Library_DB" value="ProductImage_Load_Type(l.settings:product:id, l.settings:imagetype:id, l.settings:imagetype)"/>
            <mvt:do name="l.success" file="g.Module_Library_DB" value="Image_Load_ID(l.settings:imagetype:image_id, l.settings:imagedata)"/>
            <mvt:if expr="NOT ISNULL l.settings:imagedata:image">
                <img src="&mvte:imagedata:image;" alt="&mvte:upsale:name;" title="&mvte:upsale:name;" style="float: left; display: inline; margin: 0px 10px 0px 20px;">
                test: main image not found
    tried duplicating the templates and other things but they seem to be rendered totally different.


    One thing to check are the page items - do both pages have the same page items assigned, especially with regards to images?
    M.A.D.* since 1997

    *miva application developers


      Look the same except that UATM has one extra item which is upsell_attr_mult

      The only other difference I see is that on checkout the page for multiple upsell items first goes to OUSM which then hands it off to UATM - not sure if that is relevant.


        Standard Debug Routine:

        Insert evals of the return var after each API function call

        Rename the "name" on the function call to something logical (i.e., g.LoadImage, g.ImageLoad, etc) and eval them right after the function as well. Might also want to double check that you are getting, using the right ID.
        Bruce Golub
        Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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          Like Bruce said.

          For these:

          <mvt:do file="g.Module_Library_DB" name="l.success" value="ImageType_Load_Code('main', l.settings:imagetype)"/> <mvt:do name="l.success" file="g.Module_Library_DB" value="ProductImage_Load_Type(l.settings:product:i d, l.settings:imagetype:id, l.settings:imagetype)"/> <mvt:do name="l.success" file="g.Module_Library_DB" value="Image_Load_ID(l.settings:imagetype:image_id , l.settings:imagedata)"/> Are you certain each of those ids and other variables being used to call the functions have values? Try checking them by doing things like: &mvt:imagetype; &mvt:imagetype:id; etc... check each one to make sure it actually has some value. There may be something in the code, before this stuff, that sets some of those variables.
          M.A.D.* since 1997

          *miva application developers


            It looks like at the imagetype and imagedata have the value 'main' and '4' but nothing else. The image values for the product that qualified them for the upsell are visible.

            imagetype =
            upsale:name =
            imagedata:image = main,Main,4,
            imagetype:id = 4
            imagedata =
            product:id =
            item:product:image = graphics/00000001/ATEP-30087.jpg /* this was the required product qualifying them for the upsell */
            product:image =
            group:product:image = graphics/00000001/ATEP-30087.jpg


              the product:id = {nothing} is an issue since that's the id you are feeding the find image, i actually looked at a sample Multi Upsell and you should be using:


              unless you change the which case, change it back and use upsold_product cause there might be collision issues.
              Bruce Golub
              Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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