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Total Quantity and Total Products within a Category on an Order

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    Total Quantity and Total Products within a Category on an Order


    Looking for some help on how to accomplish this. We need to calculate the:
    - total quantity of all products in the same category within an order.
    - the total products in the same category within an order.

    We want to display these counts on Pages located in these menus:
    - an email from the Order Fulfillment Settings>Template Based Emails
    - a batch report from Order Processing>Orders
    - a batch report from Order Processing>Shipments

    For example, here is an order that has various products in Category A and Category B:
    Qty Item
    5 product A1
    32 product A2
    98 product A3
    10 product A4
    6 product B1
    7 product B2
    3 product B3

    The results for this order would display on each page as:
    Cat A = 145 total quantity
    Cat A = 4 total products
    Cat B = 16 total quantity
    Cat B = 3 total products

    I could not find an APP to do this.

    Thanks for your time!

    Batch reports are the best solution here. You could create a custom patch report that will load and display this data.

    The category data is not available by default in the batch report so you would need to load it using like:

    You would then need some logic to determine reporting behavior when a product is assigned to multiple categories.

    You'll likely need a developer to create this batch report for you once, then you can run it on any order/shipment.
    Brennan Heyde
    VP Product
    Miva, Inc.
    [email protected]

