Looking for some help on how to accomplish this. We need to calculate the:
- total quantity of all products in the same category within an order.
- the total products in the same category within an order.
We want to display these counts on Pages located in these menus:
- an email from the Order Fulfillment Settings>Template Based Emails
- a batch report from Order Processing>Orders
- a batch report from Order Processing>Shipments
For example, here is an order that has various products in Category A and Category B:
Qty Item
5 product A1
32 product A2
98 product A3
10 product A4
6 product B1
7 product B2
3 product B3
The results for this order would display on each page as:
Cat A = 145 total quantity
Cat A = 4 total products
Cat B = 16 total quantity
Cat B = 3 total products
I could not find an APP to do this.
Thanks for your time!
Looking for some help on how to accomplish this. We need to calculate the:
- total quantity of all products in the same category within an order.
- the total products in the same category within an order.
We want to display these counts on Pages located in these menus:
- an email from the Order Fulfillment Settings>Template Based Emails
- a batch report from Order Processing>Orders
- a batch report from Order Processing>Shipments
For example, here is an order that has various products in Category A and Category B:
Qty Item
5 product A1
32 product A2
98 product A3
10 product A4
6 product B1
7 product B2
3 product B3
The results for this order would display on each page as:
Cat A = 145 total quantity
Cat A = 4 total products
Cat B = 16 total quantity
Cat B = 3 total products
I could not find an APP to do this.
Thanks for your time!