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Price Groups - Multiple Discounts Issue on Products Assigned to Multiple Categories

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    Price Groups - Multiple Discounts Issue on Products Assigned to Multiple Categories

    Problem Description:
    Some of our products are assigned to more than one category, each category having different discount rates. However, it seems that the system is unintentionally applying discounts from all assigned categories to the products, resulting in a cumulative effect. This is not the expected behavior, as we want the system to apply only the highest applicable discount for each product.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Product A is assigned to Category X with a 10% discount.
    2. Product A is also assigned to Category Y with a 15% discount.
    3. When a customer adds Product A to their cart, the system applies both the 10% and 15% discounts, resulting in a total discount of 25%.

    Expected Behavior:
    We anticipate that the system should only apply the highest discount associated with a specific product, which, in this case, should be the 15% discount from Category Y.

    1. How do we configure Price Groups for multiple discounts that can be applied to the same basket, but not for the same item?
    2. We have thousands of products, spanning over 200 categories, but can't recall all products that are assigned to more than one category. What would be the best method to determine which products are assigned to more than one categories and which discount is applicable?

    Additional Information:
    Price Group Type - Product Discount
    Price Group Assigned - Discounted Categories
    Last edited by William Davis; 12-06-23, 09:45 AM.
    Thank you, Bill Davis

    You should be able to use Priority and Exclusion settings to make sure that the store only applies one of the two discounts. For your example, you can set the 15% discount to a higher priority, and then set up an exclusion so that the store only applies one of them to each product.
    Kent Multer
    Magic Metal Productions
    * Web developer/designer
    * E-commerce and Miva
    * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


      Originally posted by Kent Multer View Post
      You should be able to use Priority and Exclusion settings to make sure that the store only applies one of the two discounts. For your example, you can set the 15% discount to a higher priority, and then set up an exclusion so that the store only applies one of them to each product.
      Thanks! It "seems" to be working now. There is no easy way to determine which product is assigned to more than one category/Price Group Discounted Categories or conflict.

      So what I ended up doing is to edit each Price Group (e.g.: 10, 15, 20 and 25% Off), to Exclude the other three and assign the highest Priority to the Highest Discount (25=5, 20=4, 15=3, and 10% Off = Priority 2).

      Its not ideal, because there are some categories that I prefer the priority to be in reverse.
      Thank you, Bill Davis


        If you really want to be able to charge two different prices for a single product, depending on which category the customer was looking at when they put the item in the cart, you'll need a custom solution. If you're interested in that, you know who to call. :^)

        As a work-around, I suppose you could create two Miva products for a single item, and assign them to different categories. They would have the same name, description, photos, etc., but different product codes. Then you can assign different discounts for each one. Inventory counts might be a problem, but I think that can be fixed with some creative use of variants.
        Kent Multer
        Magic Metal Productions
        * Web developer/designer
        * E-commerce and Miva
        * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


          Originally posted by Kent Multer View Post
          If you really want to be able to charge two different prices for a single product, depending on which category the customer was looking at when they put the item in the cart, you'll need a custom solution. If you're interested in that, you know who to call. :^)

          As a work-around, I suppose you could create two Miva products for a single item, and assign them to different categories. They would have the same name, description, photos, etc., but different product codes. Then you can assign different discounts for each one. Inventory counts might be a problem, but I think that can be fixed with some creative use of variants.
          We don't need anything that fancy. The problem is that sometimes the same product is assigned to multiple categories, each with different discounts, and each applicable discount was being applied to that one product.

          • Miami Dolphins (-10%)
          • Key-chains (-10%)
          • Bumper Stickers (-25%), and
          • Shirts (-10%)
          So a product assigned to all the above categories would receive a 55% discount versus just one discount.
          Thank you, Bill Davis

