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Payment Configuration Changed

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  • paulthomas
    Re: Payment Configuration Changed

    Thanks again David.

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  • ILoveHostasaurus
    Re: Payment Configuration Changed

    That happens from time to time in Merchant 4; I've never heard an explanation of what can cause it since it typically can never be reproduced.

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  • paulthomas
    Re: Payment Configuration Changed

    My hosting company corrected the payment ID. All is well for now. I'd still like to know how such a thing could have happened.
    Last edited by paulthomas; 07-22-10, 11:38 AM.

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  • paulthomas
    Re: Payment Configuration Changed

    That order came in at 12:48p, two more have come in since - they have the correct payment type. Also, the orders in front of the 12:48 order have the correct payment type.

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  • Jim McCormick
    Re: Payment Configuration Changed


    Somehow the order got a bad 'payid' setting. Have you had orders come in since with the correct info? Unfortunately the data on that one order is lost and you'll have to contact the customer to retrieve it.

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  • paulthomas
    started a topic Payment Configuration Changed

    Payment Configuration Changed

    I have always used Simple Validation. However, an order just came through with payment configuration of Cardservice Linkpoint Payment Gateway. Further, the fields for the payment were all blank.

    And in checking the payment configuration, the only one selected was simple validation.

    How could this have happened? I am the only one with admin privileges.

    Thank you.