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CBS Metatag Generator Questions

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  • Siamese-Dream.Com
    Re: CBS Metatag Generator Questions

    Is there a document saved somewhere on our web server that is like a flat file and easily editable, so we can retrieve the meta tags already entered?
    Not a flat file, but some dbf files that you can open in Access, and then copy and paste them into a spreadsheet.

    It will depend on your configuration, but for instance, mine is in this folder:


    Basically, you will need to find this foder:


    And I would download ALL the files in there.

    then try and open the Catmeta.dbf for the categories, and the Prodmeta.dbf data for the products.

    Noet: The meta data is PROBABLY linked NOT by product code (which would make life so much easier) but by product ID (which is a four digit number that is oblivious to most mortals).

    So you will probably have to go into the OUI products and OUI categories database, which should have both the codes and the ID, then sort them by the ID number.

    Then you will have to sort the product meta data and the categories meta data by their respective IDs so they match up.

    If it sounds like it is really complicated, just remember: It is! :)
    Last edited by Siamese-Dream.Com; 01-24-11, 01:37 PM.

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  • Sky
    started a topic CBS Metatag Generator Questions

    CBS Metatag Generator Questions

    Hi, We are using the CBS metatag generator. Is there a document saved somewhere on our web server that is like a flat file and easily editable, so we can retrieve the meta tags already entered?

    I also just discovered the OpenUI product import tool in Miva. It has the ability to import everything about a product, including meta tags and keywords. However, with the CBS meta tag generator activated, anything entered into both areas of keywords and meta tags will produce two separate meta tags behind the scenes. This is not good for search engines looking at our pages.

    Is there a way to have meta tag info already entered into the CBS module transfer over to the OpenUI module? Because when I de-activate the CBS module the meta tag info entered in there disappears and thus a product has no meta tag description or keywords.