Re: Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
I would recommend opening a support ticket in that case; this is not something that can be resolved via the forum.
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Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
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Re: Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
Hide Prices Pending Customer Approval - Customers Database Packed
Hide Prices Pending Customer Approval - Customers Database Reindexed
Database Files for Store '[my store name]' Packed.
Still getting "Application timed out"
Not sure how to fix this!Last edited by hogwart; 04-11-12, 10:38 AM.
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Re: Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
You'll probably need to extend the timeout to get that module to pack, or have someone manually edit its database. If I remember correctly, the currencymagic module stores its own copy of each customer basket with information about the currency they selected, so it's probably been building up old baskets from the time you installed it and the database could be massive.
I've temporarily raised your timeout to five minutes; see if that lets it complete the pack. Also check in the module to see if it has anything mentioning 'delete baskets' or similar.
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Re: Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
OUI_Objects 04/05/2012
14:19:38 EDT0 0 450 450 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiobjects.dbf Packed OUI_ObjectSets 04/05/2012
14:19:39 EDT0 0 258 258 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiobjsets.dbf Packed OUI_ObjectThemes 04/05/2012
14:19:40 EDT0 0 258 258 Merchant2/00000001/oui/objthemes.dbf Packed OUI_ProductLayout 04/05/2012
14:19:40 EDT197 197 8692 8692 Merchant2/00000001/oui/prodlayo.dbf Packed OUI_Products 04/05/2012
14:19:41 EDT3803 3803 152250 152250 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiprds.dbf Packed OUI_Products2 04/05/2012
14:19:42 EDT3803 3803 6709166 6709166 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiprds2.dbf Packed OUI_Store 04/05/2012
14:19:43 EDT1 1 7397 7397 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouistor.dbf Packed OUI_Tokens 04/05/2012
14:19:44 EDT2 2 1072 1072 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouitokens.dbf Packed PriceGroups 04/05/2012
14:19:44 EDT2 2 368 368 Merchant2/00000001/prcgrps.dbf Packed PriceGroupXCustomer 04/05/2012
14:19:45 EDT794 794 31064 31064 Merchant2/00000001/pgpxcust.dbf Packed PriceGroupXProduct 04/05/2012
14:19:50 EDT28806 28806 1123532 1123532 Merchant2/00000001/pgpxprod.dbf Packed ProdStats 04/05/2012
14:19:50 EDT0 0 130 130 Merchant2/00000001/prdsta.dbf Packed Products 04/05/2012
14:19:56 EDT14600 14600 11753514 11753514 Merchant2/00000001/products.dbf Packed RelatedProducts 04/05/2012
14:19:58 EDT1596 1596 62342 62342 Merchant2/00000001/relprod.dbf Packed StandardFields 04/05/2012
14:19:59 EDT1 1 431 431 Merchant2/00000001/std_fld.dbf Packed States 04/05/2012
14:20:02 EDT14 14 2212 2212 Merchant2/00000001/states.dbf Packed Stats 04/05/2012
14:20:03 EDT1 1 335 335 Merchant2/00000001/stats.dbf Packed StoreCountries 04/05/2012
14:20:03 EDT250 250 22912 22912 Merchant2/00000001/str_cty.dbf Packed StoreKeys 04/05/2012
14:20:04 EDT38 38 2758 2758 Merchant2/00000001/storekey.dbf Packed StoreModules 04/05/2012
14:20:05 EDT27 27 1588 1588 Merchant2/00000001/storemod.dbf Packed StoreNotes 04/05/2012
14:20:06 EDT0 0 162 162 Merchant2/00000001/snotes.dbf Packed StoreTasks 04/05/2012
14:20:07 EDT17 17 455 455 Merchant2/00000001/stasks.dbf Packed Upsell 04/05/2012
14:20:07 EDT0 0 194 194 Merchant2/00000001/upsell.dbf Packed UpsellOptions 04/05/2012
14:20:09 EDT1 1 137 137 Merchant2/00000001/upslopts.dbf Packed UpsellXProduct 04/05/2012
14:20:10 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/upslprod.dbf Packed UserXGroup 04/05/2012
14:20:12 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/usrxgrp.dbf Packed
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Re: Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
InventorySettings 04/05/2012
14:19:01 EDT1 1 2547 2547 Merchant2/00000001/inv_set.dbf Packed InventoryProductCounts 04/05/2012
14:19:01 EDT72 72 2906 2906 Merchant2/00000001/inv_cnt.dbf Packed InventoryProductSettings 04/05/2012
14:19:02 EDT72 72 62898 62898 Merchant2/00000001/inv_prd.dbf Packed Options 04/05/2012
14:19:03 EDT286 286 114118 114118 Merchant2/00000001/opts.dbf Packed OrderCharges 04/05/2012
14:19:03 EDT12 12 3134 3134 Merchant2/00000001/ordrchrg.dbf Packed OrderItems 04/05/2012
14:19:04 EDT89 89 23049 23049 Merchant2/00000001/orditems.dbf Packed OrderOptions 04/05/2012
14:19:05 EDT0 0 290 290 Merchant2/00000001/ordopts.dbf Packed Orders 04/05/2012
14:19:05 EDT6 6 10520 10520 Merchant2/00000001/orders.dbf Packed Orphans 04/05/2012
14:19:06 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/orphans.dbf Packed OUI_Buttons 04/05/2012
14:19:07 EDT15 15 8879 8879 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouibtns.dbf Packed OUI_Categories 04/05/2012
14:19:08 EDT194 194 110450 110450 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouicats.dbf Packed OUI_Categories2 04/05/2012
14:19:08 EDT194 194 342890 342890 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouicats2.dbf Packed OUI_CustCatFlds 04/05/2012
14:19:09 EDT2 2 610 610 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiccatfld.dbf Packed OUI_CustCustFlds 04/05/2012
14:19:10 EDT3 3 818 818 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiccfld.dbf Packed OUI_CustomCategoryLayout 04/05/2012
14:19:10 EDT0 0 162 162 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiclcatfld.dbf Packed OUI_CustomCustomerLayout 04/05/2012
14:19:11 EDT1 1 492 492 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiclcfld.dbf Packed OUI_CustomerEmail 04/05/2012
14:19:12 EDT1 1 968 968 Merchant2/00000001/oui/custeml.dbf Packed OUI_CustomOrderLayout 04/05/2012
14:19:13 EDT0 0 194 194 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiclofld.dbf Packed OUI_CustomProductLayout 04/05/2012
14:19:14 EDT11 11 3429 3429 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouicfld.dbf Packed OUI_CustOrdFlds 04/05/2012
14:19:15 EDT2 2 610 610 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouicofld.dbf Packed OUI_CustProdFlds 04/05/2012
14:19:16 EDT12 12 2690 2690 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouicpfld.dbf Packed OUI_Extensions 04/05/2012
14:19:17 EDT54 54 45122 45122 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiexts.dbf Packed OUI_LangGroups 04/05/2012
14:19:17 EDT58 58 18922 18922 Merchant2/00000001/oui/langgroups.dbf Packed OUI_LangImages 04/05/2012
14:19:22 EDT45590 45590 27536618 27536618 Merchant2/00000001/oui/langimages.dbf Packed OUI_LangMemos 04/05/2012
14:19:29 EDT92038 92038 29636430 29636430 Merchant2/00000001/oui/langmemos.dbf Packed OUI_LangStrings 04/05/2012
14:19:36 EDT61102 61102 34583926 34583926 Merchant2/00000001/oui/langstrings.dbf Packed OUI_Languages 04/05/2012
14:19:36 EDT1 1 324 324 Merchant2/00000001/oui/languages.dbf Packed OUI_LeftNav 04/05/2012
14:19:37 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouilnav.dbf Packed OUI_MerEmail 04/05/2012
14:19:38 EDT1 1 1287 1287 Merchant2/00000001/oui/meremail.dbf Packed OUI_Objects 04/05/2012
14:19:38 EDT0 0 450 450 Merchant2/00000001/oui/ouiobjects.dbf Packed
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Re: Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
AvailabilityGroupXCustomer 04/05/2012
14:18:50 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/agpxcst.dbf Packed AvailabilityGroupXProduct 04/05/2012
14:18:50 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/agpxprod.dbf Packed BasketCharges 04/05/2012
14:18:51 EDT0 0 290 290 Merchant2/00000001/baskchrg.dbf Packed BasketLastUpdate 04/05/2012
14:21:51 EDT36 31 1934 1679 Merchant2/00000001/basklupd.dbf Packed BasketList 04/05/2012
14:21:51 EDT36 31 56118 48493 Merchant2/00000001/basklist.dbf Packed BasketOptions 04/05/2012
14:18:51 EDT0 0 290 290 Merchant2/00000001/baskopts.dbf Packed Baskets 04/05/2012
14:18:52 EDT0 0 354 354 Merchant2/00000001/baskets.dbf Packed Batches 04/05/2012
14:18:53 EDT0 0 162 162 Merchant2/00000001/batches.dbf Packed Categories 04/05/2012
14:18:53 EDT120 120 27618 27618 Merchant2/00000001/cats.dbf Packed CategoryXProduct 04/05/2012
14:18:55 EDT6299 6299 365472 365472 Merchant2/00000001/catxprod.dbf Packed CustomerEmail 04/05/2012
14:18:56 EDT1 1 935 935 Merchant2/00000001/custeml.dbf Packed Customers 04/05/2012
14:18:56 EDT1254 1254 1730164 1730164 Merchant2/00000001/customer.dbf Packed EmailListMembers 04/05/2012
14:18:57 EDT0 0 130 130 Merchant2/00000001/emlm.dbf Packed EmailListQueue 04/05/2012
14:18:58 EDT0 0 226 226 Merchant2/00000001/emlq.dbf Packed EmailLists 04/05/2012
14:18:58 EDT0 0 322 322 Merchant2/00000001/eml.dbf Packed EmailListSettings 04/05/2012
14:18:59 EDT1 1 403 403 Merchant2/00000001/emlset.dbf Packed GroupPrivileges 04/05/2012
14:19:00 EDT0 0 226 226 Merchant2/00000001/grppriv.dbf Packed Groups 04/05/2012
14:19:00 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/groups.dbf Packed InventorySettings 04/05/2012
14:19:01 EDT1 1 2547 2547 Merchant2/00000001/inv_set.dbf Packed
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Re: Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
Thank you David,
I packed & received the following;
Hide Prices Pending Customer Approval - Customers Database Packed
Hide Prices Pending Customer Approval - Customers Database Reindexed
Application timed outRuntime error in /Merchant2/4.22/modules/currency/currencymagic.mvc @ [00000014:00000000]: Line 710: MvSKIP: Application timed out
After seeing this I disabled the currencies that weren't updating, reducing it to CAD & US, but I still get the timeouts when trying to load category pages.
I packed each individually but it's too long to post the whole thing.
AffiliateEarnings 04/05/2012
14:18:41 EDT0 0 514 514 Merchant2/00000001/affern.dbf Packed AffiliateEmail 04/05/2012
14:18:42 EDT1 1 935 935 Merchant2/00000001/afileml.dbf Packed AffiliateManage 04/05/2012
14:18:42 EDT1 1 1353 1353 Merchant2/00000001/afilmng.dbf Packed AffiliateOptions 04/05/2012
14:18:43 EDT1 1 948 948 Merchant2/00000001/afilopt.dbf Packed AffiliatePayouts 04/05/2012
14:18:44 EDT0 0 450 450 Merchant2/00000001/affpay.dbf Packed Affiliates 04/05/2012
14:18:44 EDT1 1 2974 2974 Merchant2/00000001/affil.dbf Packed AffiliateSession 04/05/2012
14:18:45 EDT32 32 3010 3010 Merchant2/00000001/affsess.dbf Packed AttributeTemplateAttributes 04/05/2012
14:18:46 EDT2 2 1262 1262 Merchant2/00000001/atmpatt.dbf Packed AttributeTemplateOptions 04/05/2012
14:18:46 EDT4 4 1882 1882 Merchant2/00000001/attmpop.dbf Packed AttributeTemplates 04/05/2012
14:18:47 EDT3 3 579 579 Merchant2/00000001/attempl.dbf Packed Attributes 04/05/2012
14:18:48 EDT139 139 63941 63941 Merchant2/00000001/attr.dbf Packed AvailabilityGroups 04/05/2012
14:18:48 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/avlgrps.dbf Packed AvailabilityGroupXCategory 04/05/2012
14:18:49 EDT0 0 98 98 Merchant2/00000001/agpxcat.dbf Packed
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Re: Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
If you're getting an application timeout on occasion there is probably something else wrong. Try using openmaintenance to pack all of your databases individually, and look out for any that are extremely large, particularly 'affsess' and anything starting with bask*
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Security Issue: OUI URL's are not loading properly
Hi I have a problem with my store. We force customers to log in to shop online and to see prices. However once logged in my categories and pages are loading OUI URL's insecurely, or in many cases aren't even loading and are just timing out "Application timed out".
I don't think I've changed anything recently so I don't know why this is happening.
I have no absolute URL's and all relative URL's load securely just fine.
It's the Miva OUI URL's (ex: %caltimage2L|Earrings%) that are not loading securely.
Is it possible I cut out a base href code somewhere?!
login: tester
password: testerTags: None
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