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BitPay: Can it be a payment option in Miva?

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    Re: BitPay: Can it be a payment option in Miva?

    Wild ass guess here...Kent's probably ready and willing...but...if he's like us he's doing the math: 150 to 200 hours to develop the module X number of folks who'd actually pay 150.00 to use it. While there MIGHT be a market for it, that market is hard to define.

    Perhaps as a feature of the new app store we can find some simple method of identifying markets. (Sort of like Kickstarter). Maybe start with a "wish list" then, if a developer creates and functional outline, folks could deposit a marginal amount towards development. Just thinking.
    Bruce Golub
    Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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      Re: BitPay: Can it be a payment option in Miva?

      Bruce, that's a good idea. I could see that being a very useful App Store feature for both developers and store owners alike.

      In the case of a Bitcoin module it seems that services like BitPay and Coinbase may be willing to help fund the development of a Miva module if it were to work with their service specifically...
      Psydde Delicious
      Delicious Boutique & Corseterie
      Philadelphia, PA


        Re: BitPay: Can it be a payment option in Miva?

        Bruce that is brilliant idea. I think it would allow modules to be make that might not otherwise be made.

        1) Either a Dev or end user comes with up with an idea for a module.
        2) Dev outlines the features based on #1 and the "minimum cost" which basically is their price for developing it.
        3) Have a fundraising campaign. This could be a pay what you want but have a set minimum. (Like a $20 minimum buy in)
        4) Develop and release

        I can see issues being
        - Raising more than you "needed", what do you do with the extra money? More features? Longer term support? (I know more modules sold = more money for the dev which I support! Got to eat!)
        - Maintenance and fixes (maybe on the dev side have a minimum of one year or update sand support)
        - After the first year then what?
        - How about updates after the first year?


          Re: BitPay: Can it be a payment option in Miva?


          I don't think you have to worry about raising more money :) seriously. The initial buy in would not be for payment of the module, just a "guarantee of interest." What module developers face now is dozens of folks saying they are interested...and their interest disappears when it comes time to pay for the actual module. This initial deposit just locks in their interest.

          As for the rest, I'd leave that up to the developer. We've long ago moved to a "Renewal" charge for our modules. This allows us to sell at a lower price, and to aggressively work on module features. How many modules out there haven't been changed for ten years! (Case in point, Review Modules. Thy all look like they where designed in 1994 (may have been). Which is why your only real choice is a review service, or date your site back to the internet stone age.

          Thanks for the support of this idea. The more store owners ask, the more likely they will get it.
          Bruce Golub
          Phosphor Media - "Your Success is our Business"

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