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New Payment module Conditional

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  • eldon99
    Stacey at Miva came to the rescue! She suggested I change the priority of the payment methods. Success!!! As long as credit card options come AFTER everything else, the methods show as expected. Thank you Stacey!

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  • eldon99
    So does anyone know what I can do to get a new payment module to play nicely with the Booc theme and encryption?

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    Ah...I see, the simple validation module NOW requires that you use encryption. So, some 'internal' tests may be mucking up the works.

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  • eldon99
    So, if I disable Simple Validation, the Net Terms methods display. If I enable Simple Validation the Net Terms disappear. I thought maybe it was the order of the installation of the payment methods, so I removed and re-installed the Simple Validation module so it came after the Net Terms module, but still disappeared after I re-enabled the modules. I am stumped.

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  • eldon99
    I don't have Inspector. I had rolled back to the basic CSSUI and they showed as expected. I removed the conditionals and it showed. The conditional appears to be to reduce the credit card methods down to just one option, since the OPAY uses an auto-detect for the credit card.

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    looks ok to you have Inspector available? Does it show with no conditionals?

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  • eldon99
    started a topic New Payment module Conditional

    New Payment module Conditional

    We have Phosphor Media write a new Net Terms (15 and 30) module for us. We are using the new Booc theme. It appears to have a conditional for the payment modules. I added the new module to the conditionals on the OSEL and OPAY page (module code: pm_net), but it is not showing on the page.

    My code looks like this:

    HTML Code:
    <mvt:if expr="(l.settings:method:module EQ 'check') OR (l.settings:method:module EQ 'cod') OR (l.settings:method:module EQ 'customercredit') OR (l.settings:method:module EQ 'pm_net')">
        <label class="input--medium font--medium shipping-selection-form__label shipping-selection-form__payment-method" data-hook="shipping-selection-form__payment-method">
            <input type="radio" name="PaymentMethod" value="&mvte:method:module;:&mvte:method:code;"> &mvt:method:name;
    <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:method:module NE 'check' AND l.settings:method:module NE 'cod' AND l.settings:method:module NE 'customercredit' AND NOT('pal' CIN l.settings:method:code)">
        <label class="input--medium font--medium shipping-selection-form__label shipping-selection-form__payment-method" data-hook="shipping-selection-form__payment-method">
            <input type="radio" name="PaymentMethod" value="&mvte:method:module;:&mvte:method:code;"> Credit Card
        <mvt:foreachstop />
    Anything I am missing?