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image type does not work

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  • Donna
    Hi Leslie,

    I don't use a flat file but I do use the file numbers in order.
    It is a crap shoot! Sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn't.
    Thank you for your help.

    Have a great day,

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  • lesliekirk
    Originally posted by Donna View Post
    Thank you Leslie! Still hoping for a fix!

    Donna, something I noticed but have not confirmed. I just used a flat file import to assign images to products. It "looks" like the images assigned themselves in an alpha-numeric order. The Image Types were assigned in the order they needed to display but I don't think it was the Image Type. I also made sure the file was set up to load in the Image Type order I needed but I still think it looked for the alpha-numeric in the file name.


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  • Donna
    Thank you Leslie! Still hoping for a fix!


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  • lesliekirk
    Originally posted by Rick Wilson View Post
    Have you talked to tech support and made sure this is a bug, I'm not 100% clear on your issue, but displaying images obviously works fine in Miva.

    You should call TAC 800-608-MIVA and walk through your issue with them, they'll either show you how to fix your problem or confirm there is a bug.

    You shouldn't assume that posting here will highlight it as a bug or accelerate it being fixed (assuming it is way)
    I don't think this is a bug - the question has come up a number of times before. I was thinking the answer I had been given about this related to the file name. It's a bigger issue when you use a import file to assign the image paths to the product and expect the images to appear in the order of the upload.

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  • Donna
    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for your suggestions.


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  • Mark Hood
    Originally posted by Donna View Post
    This is how I explained this in my first post.

    When you add an image to your store and select image type as main, 1st 2nd, 3rd then select to add to the product page it does NOT display the images in the order you select. I know you can then sort, edit display, edit, save and reload. However, this is very time consuming!

    I have previously spoken to support about this issue without resolving it. Maybe you don't call this a bug, but whatever you call it it doesn't work. I posted it here in "Dream Features hoping that this issue would be resolved. This should be built in Miva without having to pay a developer.

    I am still hoping that this will be treated as a Dream Feature and be fixed.


    I understand your dream feature suggestion but this is just two suggestions for the time being. I find it must faster to upload images one at a time which will keep them in order. Most of the time we don't care what order the other images are so we just do it twice uploading the main and then doing another upload for the others. You can also control this with a naming convention for the files that will keep them in order,

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  • Donna
    This is how I explained this in my first post.

    When you add an image to your store and select image type as main, 1st 2nd, 3rd then select to add to the product page it does NOT display the images in the order you select. I know you can then sort, edit display, edit, save and reload. However, this is very time consuming!

    I have previously spoken to support about this issue without resolving it. Maybe you don't call this a bug, but whatever you call it it doesn't work. I posted it here in "Dream Features hoping that this issue would be resolved. This should be built in Miva without having to pay a developer.

    I am still hoping that this will be treated as a Dream Feature and be fixed.


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  • jowens
    This is likely not a bug since those are custom image types. The levels framework does not explicitly use these additional image types for the sort order. That custom feature would have to be created in the image machine on your PROD page by a developer. By default, levels uses the sort order of the images in the catalog, similar to product list results.

    We'll need a support ticket to investigate further.

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  • Rick Wilson
    Have you talked to tech support and made sure this is a bug, I'm not 100% clear on your issue, but displaying images obviously works fine in Miva.

    You should call TAC 800-608-MIVA and walk through your issue with them, they'll either show you how to fix your problem or confirm there is a bug.

    You shouldn't assume that posting here will highlight it as a bug or accelerate it being fixed (assuming it is way)

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  • Donna
    Thanks Mark for your idea!

    I am hoping that adding images, a basic function for any website, works in Miva soon.


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  • Mark Hood
    The fastest work around I have ever come up with is to upload them one at a time and in the order you want to display them.

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  • Donna
    Hi Leslie,

    The file names are in the order that I want the images to display. I have tried everything but it just doesn't work.

    I wonder what the purpose is of the image type option if it isn't how you want your images to display?

    I hope Miva fixes this soon.

    Thank you,

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  • lesliekirk
    Originally posted by Donna View Post
    When you add an image to your store and select image type as main, 1st 2nd, 3rd then select to add to the product page it does NOT display the images in the order you select. I know you can then sort, edit display, edit, save and reload. However, this is very time consuming! Please fix this bug. Thank you!
    The Image Type isn't necessarily a method to sort the images - but you are right, it should be. I do think this has been brought up before too. I think if I understand correctly the images sort themself by file name, but I could be wrong.

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  • Donna
    started a topic image type does not work

    image type does not work

    When you add an image to your store and select image type as main, 1st 2nd, 3rd then select to add to the product page it does NOT display the images in the order you select. I know you can then sort, edit display, edit, save and reload. However, this is very time consuming! Please fix this bug. Thank you!