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OCST default to billing

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    Its beneath the Customers template in various checkout screens...notably the OCST

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  • gsam
    Bruce, I've never seen "Prevent Automatic Updates to This Template"? Where is this option located?

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  • gsam
    Miva support just checked this on a default store and setting the billing address as the primary does change the OSCT layout. So it looks like this is an issue with the Shadows ReadyTheme.

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  • Bruce - PhosphorMedia
    You might have the " Prevent Automatic Updates to This Template" option selected which prevents changes in the Customer settings from overwriting your custom template changes. if so, you have to manually recode the page template to swap the Bill to / Ship to positions. As far as hiding one by default, I don't know of a 'setting' that would do that, rather you just directly change the scripts controlling this.

    Not sure if there are different scripts used for different ready themes, but this is what we use on our Bootstrap 4 implementation:

    <div class="col-sm-6 h-100" id="ship-to">
       <h2 class="fields-heading">Ship To: 
          <span id="shipping_controls" class="controls">
             <mvt:if expr="g.Action AND g.shipping_to_show">
                 <input name="shipping_to_show" id="shipping_to_show" type="checkbox" value="1" class="checkbox" checked />
             <mvt:elseif expr="g.AddressSame EQ 'No'">
                 <input name="shipping_to_show" id="shipping_to_show" type="checkbox" value="1" class="checkbox" />*
                 <input name="shipping_to_show" id="shipping_to_show" type="checkbox" value="1" class="checkbox" checked  />
             <label for="shipping_to_show"><span style="font-size:1rem">same as billing</label>

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  • gsam
    started a topic OCST default to billing

    OCST default to billing

    How do I change the OCST screen so it ask for the billing information and the shipping information is hidden?

    At Store Setting > Customer Fields, I have set the primary address as Billing and Shipping is set to optional. I thought this would change the OSCT screen it has not.