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Miva Merchant 9.14.x Bug Reports

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  • dcarver
    Originally posted by dreamingdigital View Post
    dcarver Windows 10 FireFox and Windows 10 Chrome. I would not touch IE or Edge in the Miva Admin with a 100,000,000 ft pole.
    That's a big pole.

    You can open a support ticket and we could make a copy of your store and dig into it if you'd like. I'm not seeing anywhere in the code that would cause nor have I been able to reproduce it.

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  • dreamingdigital
    dcarver Windows 10 FireFox and Windows 10 Chrome. I would not touch IE or Edge in the Miva Admin with a 100,000,000 ft pole.

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  • dcarver
    Originally posted by kayakbabe View Post

    It is using the template based feed.
    I'm guessing it's a browser issue. Are you using IE? We've had no other complaints about this and that feature has been out for years.

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  • dcarver
    Originally posted by dreamingdigital View Post

    User Interface > Search Settings > Menu Item Template > Advanced
    I can not "select >" custom fields. I click one and it visually moves over to the right but when I click UPDATE it's not there anymore.

    We confirmed this on multiple PCs and multiple sites.
    dreamingdigital were you ever able to figure this out? I just tried it and it works correctly for me.

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  • kayakbabe
    Originally posted by dcarver View Post

    What module is this? Only feed modules we have are Sitemap and Template Feed. Template Feed can output to a customizable file and from my testing it names the file correctly.
    It is using the template based feed.

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  • kayakbabe
    Smart breadcrumbs ignore the "Always Link to This Page Using HTTPS" flag on template pages.

    I discovered this because I have a page template with a form that I want to set the action to itself using its canonical url.

    I looked in the token list to find the correct token. It seemed to be the &mvt:breadcrumbs:current_item:link; would be the one to use.
    then I tested and realized the &mvt:breadcrumbs:current_item:link; is outputting http:// instead of https://

    I found out, that is the story with ALL my breadcrumbs throughout my site; And, becuase this code
    <mvt:item name="customfields" param="Write_Basket('continue_shopping', l.settings:breadcrumbs:current_item:link)" />
    in the http profile sets up the button for continue shopping in the basket page, it also has an insecure link.

    All this jumping around between http and https is also throwing off my google analytics.

    The smart breadcrumbs should respect the "always link to this page using https" flag. But they ignore it completely.
    They get their base url from URI Management:Settings:Runtime:URL Prefix, and do not check the template flag.
    If they did check the template flag and the flag is checked, then they should get the base url from URI Management:Settings:Runtime:Secure URL Prefix instead. They don't.

    these variables are problems, they should been secure links since the "always link to this page using https" is checked on
    l.settings:breadcrumbs:current_item:link &mvt:breadcrumbs:current_item:link; http://
    l.settings:breadcrumbs:links[1]:link &mvt:breadcrumbs:links[1]:link; http://
    l.settings:cats:link &mvt:cats:link; http://
    l.settings:seo_settings:urlprefix &mvt:seo_settings:urlprefix; http://
    One solution is to set the url value in the URI Management:Settings:Runtime:URL Prefix field to an https url.
    But that might not be what the store owner really wants to do. So, I think this is a bug.
    Last edited by kayakbabe; 10-17-19, 12:15 AM.

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  • kayakbabe
    not sure if this is new, or different. But...

    mvga.js script is not always outputting what I think it should for the pageview variable. For example, the invoice page is seen as merchant.mvc not invoice.html. When I think it should be getting invoice.html. invoice.html is what appears in the browser url bar... but it isn't what is populating into the ga( 'send', 'pageview',
    So our checkout funnel goal isn't able to complete. Obviously if there are other url problems with the site, we don't want merchant.mvc to be what is tracked.

    In the advanced view of the ga_tracking template... I see this..

    <mvt:if expr="( g.UI_Exception NE 1 ) OR ( g.Session:cache:last_ui_exception EQ 'order_invoice' )">
    ga( 'send', 'pageview', { 'page':'<mvt:item name="ga_jsencode" param="ga_tracking:url_override_unencoded" />' } );

    What is the purpose of having an exception for the order_invoice?

    Last edited by kayakbabe; 10-01-19, 10:50 AM.

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  • kayakbabe
    Originally posted by dcarver View Post
    What module is this? Only feed modules we have are Sitemap and Template Feed. Template Feed can output to a customizable file and from my testing it names the file correctly.
    It using the Marketing:feeds:add feed, my template is using the setting template based feed. I set it to Enable File Creation and the filename to be output.csv but after processing the feed, and then downloading. it was giving me a file named output.csv.txt

    I added the following to the top of template before calling the template feed item:
    <mvt:assign name="g.return_value" value="miva_output_header('Content-type','text/csv; charset=utf-8')" />
    <mvt:assign name="g.return_value" value="miva_output_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=output.csv')" />
    <mvt:item name="templatefeed" />
    and now when I use the admin button to download the file, I actually get output.csv sent to my pc.

    maybe it's actually a browser issue?

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  • dreamingdigital

    User Interface > Search Settings > Menu Item Template > Advanced
    I can not "select >" custom fields. I click one and it visually moves over to the right but when I click UPDATE it's not there anymore.

    We confirmed this on multiple PCs and multiple sites.

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  • dcarver
    Originally posted by kayakbabe View Post
    Marketing Feeds output file naming forces .txt . I set the output file name to be myexample.csv and the output is always being named myexample.csv.txt
    What module is this? Only feed modules we have are Sitemap and Template Feed. Template Feed can output to a customizable file and from my testing it names the file correctly.

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  • kayakbabe
    Marketing Feeds output file naming forces .txt . I set the output file name to be myexample.csv and the output is always being named myexample.csv.txt

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  • rguisewite
    new_user2018 There's definitely a bug there (more on this in a second), but looking at the original commit and what the code is actually doing, the intention was to have the files exist in the base path (usually /mm5/ unless it was changed). The reason being that different configurations could lead to unreadable file paths when attempting to calculate the last modified time.

    The bug is that the way we build the file path based on the JavaScript resource path means that absolute paths are still getting the base path prepended, which is incorrect (ie, js/filename.js is converted to /mm5/js/filename.js when reading the relative filepath on the server, and /js/filename.js is converted to /mm5/js/filename.js, rather than just looking at /js/filename.js). That's what is causing your timestamp parameter to suddenly update when you modify the relative resource. I'll file a bug to fix the incorrect prepend. Whether or not we'll alter it to support reading the absolute file paths, I'm not sure. In the mean time, using relative paths, which will prepend the base href path, will work and give you the correct timestamp cache-busting parameter.

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  • new_user2018
    Not sure if this is specific to 9.14 or has been present since 9.13, but:

    For JavasScript/CSS Resources, a feature was added in 9.13 that appended an updated timestamp parameter T=XXX when the resource was edited in the admin dashboard. This allowed the use of the dashboard to edit the file and prevented caching issues when using the <mvt:item> method of including the file.

    What I'm noticing is that if I edit and save a file that has a local path of say, /js/filename.js, this timestamp parameter is not updated.

    However, if I edit and save the same file that has a local path of js/filename.js (and thus resides in the mm5 folder), the timestamp parameter updates correctly for both the file I just edited and the file located in /js/.

    Not sure if you are intending all local resource files to reside in mm5 or if this is an oversight, but would be good information either way.

    Related to bug fix 26774 I believe.

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  • Brennan
    started a topic Miva Merchant 9.14.x Bug Reports

    Miva Merchant 9.14.x Bug Reports

    Please post any bug reports for 9.14.xx here