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Production Release 8 Bugs

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    Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

    Originally posted by Mark Hood View Post
    This is usually cause by not having updated the product attribute template.
    I'll quote myself because the reason I asked is if you assign the product attribute item to the category page you will also need to upgrade the tab to allow for the new swatch-select. It does not copy your current attribute item from the product page if the store was upgraded.
    Last edited by Mark Hood; 09-02-11, 07:25 AM.
    Mark Hood
    Vermont Gear


      Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

      I' sorry...don't mean to confuse anyone more than I'm already confused, but here is my original inquiry:

      "Not sure whether this is a bug and/or a result of PR8 but here goes... At the Category and Related Product levels, I had an "Add 1 to Basket (<mvt:item name="buttons" param="Add1ToBasket" />)" for products listed and it was functioning just fine. But once I started adding Attribute Varients and Image Swatching, when the customer clicks on that button now, they get this message:

      Unable to locate form element(s) for attribute Colors

      This particular product has both sizes and colors to choose from. If you go directly to the product, customers are able to order with no problem and the thumbnail/color swatching works great. The button works fine with products that do not have this new feature. I've removed this button temporarily because it was causing great confusion with our customers. Any help would be greatly appreciated."

      What exactly is it that I need to do to make this work? I really appreciate any help anyone can provide. I am fairly new at this and need a little more guidance than the "books" have provided.
      Thanks, Candy


        Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

        Originally posted by candyvfowler View Post
        I' sorry...don't mean to confuse anyone more than I'm already confused, but here is my original inquiry:

        "Not sure whether this is a bug and/or a result of PR8 but here goes... At the Category and Related Product levels, I had an "Add 1 to Basket (<mvt:item name="buttons" param="Add1ToBasket" />)" for products listed and it was functioning just fine. But once I started adding Attribute Varients and Image Swatching, when the customer clicks on that button now, they get this message:

        Unable to locate form element(s) for attribute Colors

        This particular product has both sizes and colors to choose from. If you go directly to the product, customers are able to order with no problem and the thumbnail/color swatching works great. The button works fine with products that do not have this new feature. I've removed this button temporarily because it was causing great confusion with our customers. Any help would be greatly appreciated."

        What exactly is it that I need to do to make this work? I really appreciate any help anyone can provide. I am fairly new at this and need a little more guidance than the "books" have provided.
        Thanks, Candy
        This implies that you have the product_attributes items assigned to that page. Correct?

        Since you have this item assigned you need to make sure that you upgraded the template (product attribute template) tab just like you did for the product page so that it allows for swatch-select attributes.

        Have you done this part?
        Same story for the PATR page the attribute template tab on that page needs to be upgraded to allow for swatch-select.
        Last edited by Mark Hood; 09-03-11, 06:59 AM.
        Mark Hood
        Vermont Gear


          Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

          Where would I find Swatch-Select Attribute? And where do I add on both of those pages?
          Thanks, Candy


            Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

            Originally posted by candyvfowler View Post
            Where would I find Swatch-Select Attribute? And where do I add on both of those pages?
            Thanks, Candy
            I missed the part with you answering if you have product_attributes item assigned to the page.

            Anyway I'll try to explain differently.

            Go to your PROD page. Here you will see a "tab" for Product Attribute Template. Copy the contents of that tab.

            Go to your PATR page. You will again see a tab for Product Attribute Template. Paste the code you copied from the PROD page over it.

            You made important changes to the tab for PROD which allowed you to use swatch-select on the PROD page. You need to make those same changes to any other page that has product_attribute item assigned in order to have those pages recognize the swatch-select option you gave a product.

            I hope this helps
            Mark Hood
            Vermont Gear


              Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

              Hi folks -- I was just now informed that one of my modules came up in this thread.

              To answer Rick Wilson's question from July 1, yes, in some cases, Card Magic will alter the pay_id field in an OrderPayment record. Specifically, when a customer places an order with a saved credit card, Card Magic's own module ID will be saved by the store as the module that handled the order. Later, after an admin user charges the saved card, Card Magic will modify the OrderPayment record to contain the module ID of the payment module that was used to run the charge.
              Kent Multer
              Magic Metal Productions
              * Web developer/designer
              * E-commerce and Miva
              * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


                Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                Hi folks -- I was just now informed that one of my modules came up in this thread.

                To answer Rick Wilson's question from July 1, yes, in some cases, Card Magic will alter the pay_id field in an OrderPayment record. Specifically, when a customer places an order with a saved credit card, Card Magic's own module ID will be saved by the store as the module that handled the order. Later, after an admin user charges the saved card, Card Magic will modify the OrderPayment record to contain the module ID of the payment module that was used to run the charge.
                Kent Multer
                Magic Metal Productions
                * Web developer/designer
                * E-commerce and Miva
                * Author, The Official Miva Web Scripting Book -- available on-line:


                  Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                  The imagemachine only appears to be good for one product display per page.

                  I had to use the related_products imagemachine image for a "customers who bought this also bought..." section as it was the only one left*.

                  Now I've enabled the related products function and that works great but when I have a page where the same product appears in both the related products and the "also bought" section the image is only displayed the first time the script gets run. I don't think my code is at fault as this only happens on pages that have the same product in both sections - for all other products the images are displayed without error.

                  *dream feature: being able to define my own imagemachine categories.
                  Last edited by PaulTAT; 09-09-11, 09:24 AM.


                    Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                    You are able to create an unlimited number of Image Machines that can be used on the same page. The steps to create a custom Image Machine in a CSSUI store are as follows:

                    1) From the Pages > Items tab, create a new item and give it the code "custom_imagemachine" and select the cmp-mv-imagemachine for its module.
                    2) Assign the new item to the PROD screen.
                    3) Edit PROD, and in the main template add the following mvt:item tag to the head section:

                    <mvt:item name="custom_imagemachine" param="head" />
                    4) Add your mvt:foreach loop code similar to the related products mvt:foreach loop, but make sure to point its array attribute at your custom product list array variable (ie "alsobought:products"), and set its iterator attribute to "l.custom". Below is an example:

                    <mvt:foreach iterator="l.custom" array="alsobought:products">
                    5) Within the custom mvt:foreach the following item tag must be included after your custom HTML elements, such as the main image tag, thumbnails tag, etc:

                    <img id="custom_main_image_%product_id%" graphics/en-US/cssui/blank.gif" alt="&mvte:custom:name;" />
                    <mvt:item name="custom_imagemachine" param="body:custom:id" />
                    6) Now on the Image Machine (custom_imagemachine) tab, enable the component and give the HTML ID fields unique values, like "custom_main_image_%product_id%". These just need to be different than the Product Display Layout Image Machine settings or any other Image Machines that you have enabled.
                    7) Lastly, edit your PROD template to include these unique custom IDs in your HTML elements within the custom mvt:foreach loop.
                    Last edited by pbrynie; 09-09-11, 11:08 AM.
                    Preston Brynie
                    Software Developer
                    Miva Merchant


                      Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                      Wow. Thanks for that. I now have an also_bought_imagemachine which works exactly as advertised and no more missing images. Soon I'll also fix a bunch of stuff I hacked together on the SFNT page!


                        Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                        Thanks Preston - this is another one of those things that needs to go in my "Dummies" book - LOL

                        Leslie Kirk
                        Miva Certified Developer
                        Miva Merchant Specialist since 1997
                        Previously of Webs Your Way
                        (aka Leslie Nord leslienord)

                        Email me: [email protected]

                        Follow me: Twitter | Facebook | FourSquare | Pinterest | Flickr


                          Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                          Anyone getting a Fatal Error when changing product data? The changes are made, but then the following pops up:

                          Error Code: EOF
                          Description: Record not found: MER-DBP-SMD-00010
                          It has been occurring since PR8 launch, including the latest Update 3.

                          MIVA support replied, "we are aware of that problem"....that was 2-3 months ago.

                          I didn't find any messages about this, leading me to believe it is unique to my store.

                          I'm making lots of product changes now and it is scaring the daylights out of me!

                          Thoughts or suggestions?
                          Joe Gargiulo
                          Pinewood Pro


                            Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                            Issues with Search Results layout...

                            When you change the number of columns in the point & click mode, it adds nowrap commands to the code and a 3 column display ends up extremely wide if the results have items with long titles (pushing off the screen to the right)

                            When you remove the nowrap in the advanced mode to fix the problems the display collapses left to right and leaves a large margin on the right side. Setting the table and td widths to 100% has no effect.
                            Jim Sisk
                            Uncommon Treasures


                              Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                              Page Breaks in new batch reports. If I read the release notes for PR8 Update 3 correctly, page breaks was supposed to be resolved. It does not seem to work. Please advise if there is a setting that needs to be changed or if this is still an issue.

                              216digital, Inc.


                                Re: Production Release 8 Bugs

                                There's some template code you need to change, it should be in the Update 3 Release Notes. We no longer automatically make any template code changes, even simple stuff like this.

                                Rick Wilson
                                Miva, Inc.
                                [email protected]

