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Miva Merchant 10.00.x Bug Reports

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  • habreu
    It was the newest version on the apps website on 11-18-21.

    EDIT: I see a possible problem. I think you may need to update the online file. When I look at the file date for the mvc inside the zip file it shows Thursday, ‎October ‎6, ‎2016, ‏‎4:48:40 PM as the created date.
    Last edited by habreu; 12-06-21, 08:35 AM.

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  • Eric Foresman
    Originally posted by habreu View Post
    I discussed this in another thread but attempting to install 'Match Customer Orders' module with Miva version 10.01.03 generates the following error

    Installation of Module 'Match Customer Orders' failed: Match Customer Orders requires Miva Merchant 9.5 or newer
    Hi habreu

    We released a v1.0001 of that module on 2020-12-03 with a fix for that issue. Do you happen to know if you are using the old version, or are you getting this same issue with the new version too?



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  • habreu
    I discussed this in another thread but attempting to install 'Match Customer Orders' module with Miva version 10.01.03 generates the following error

    Installation of Module 'Match Customer Orders' failed: Match Customer Orders requires Miva Merchant 9.5 or newer

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  • SidFeyDesigns
    Leanne Ah ha!

    Thank you for that! Very helpful and that makes a lot of sense!

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  • Leanne
    The template branches should have their own css and js resources. That way you can make changes to them without affecting the live site. So you would just need to copy your changes on the production branch to the template branch for them to both be the same. Or set the files you want to be active in the branch. See here:

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  • SidFeyDesigns
    I think I may have found a bug with the Template Branches.

    Needed to update the json css and js files (combined resources) on our Production (Primary) Branch and noticed those changes did not take effect on the Template Branch I had originally created.

    Only work around was creating yet another template branch by copying the Production (Primary) Branch again.

    Problem with that is losing all of the Template Version History from the first Template Branch I created and was working on.

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  • delcorsets
    Regarding this issue:
    MM-10981 Copy Product Copy product should not copy orphaned inventory product count records
    I've noticed that certain circumstances will still create "phantom products" when using the Copy Product feature. I'd have to do some testing to see if I could recreate the exact circumstances but I *think* these were the steps I performed:

    - Used Copy Product to copy an Inactive product.
    - Track Inventory was unchecked on original and copied product
    - Activated Track Inventory, and attempted to update inventory quantity at same time
    - Track Inventory became active, but inventory quantity did not update, so updated quantity again after Track Inventory was activated.
    - Made product active.
    - Needed to adjust inventory quantity to get rid of the "phantom products".

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  • SidFeyDesigns
    Oh wow how did I miss that haha. I feel silly now. Thank you for clarifying Leanne !

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  • Leanne
    That is exactly how it is supposed to work. When you are working in a branch and view your store, you will see essentially a preview of your changes, but the changes don't display on the production (live) branch. There is a badge in the corner of the screen that tells you what branch you're in (and if you click the little arrow you can switch between branches).

    Branch Template.jpg

    Then, when you are ready to publish your changes, you can either make the working branch the production branch, or merge your changes.

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  • SidFeyDesigns
    So I created a new template branch by copying the primary branch to test out how this works.

    It appears that when you are working on the new branch and make a change, the change is live on the site.

    If you go back to the Primary branch, the change is no longer shown.

    Here is how I tested.

    1. Copied the "Primary Branch" and named the new branch "New Checkout Flow".

    2. Went into the new branch and added the word "Hello!" the header of the ACLN page template and hit update.

    3. Checked the live site and it was showing in the header of that page.

    4. Went back into Miva and switched back to editing the primary branch

    5. The word "Hello!" was no longer in the header section of the page template and also no longer showing on the live site.

    Is this a bug?

    I thought the branch templates were to make it possible to have a "Dev Environment" that doesn't effect the live site.

    Did I make the wrong assumption?


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  • habreu
    The following code was after the Related Products code block. I moved it before and works and that fixed it so I'm guessing we (as in I an me) broke it at some point.

    <mvt:item name="attributemachine" param="body" / >
    [ script ]
    if (typeof am&mvt:product:id; !== 'undefined') {
    var attrMachCall = am&mvt:product:id;;
    [ /script ]
    Last edited by habreu; 09-17-21, 12:27 PM.

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  • habreu
    Possible bug: Product options that add a charge occassionally 'break' and no longer update price > possibly due to Related Products

    Version Miva Merchant 10.01.01
    MivaScript Engine v5.35
    Database API mysql

    For reasons I cannot determine every so often product pages that previously updated the price (when clicking on radio button options that add to the price) stop working. It seems to happen to all products in a category but I may be wrong. See this product which previously worked fine. Other products in the same parent category seem to also be broken except for 2nd linked product below which was the one I fixed.

    I tried the new product copy feature and when I copied 'all attributes' using that the copied product also failed but I created a 'STRIP NON-ESSENIALS' rule and unchecked each of the attributes one at a time to narrow down the culprit.

    I eventually found that I was able to correctly copy this product by unchecking 'Related Products' and the copy of the product's options then correctly update the price.

    I also went back to the original product and by removing the 3 Related Products it had the original product began to update the price normally.

    I am not sure if this is something we broke or it is a bug so figured I'd post it here in case anyone else can verify.

    A few more points which may or may not be related.

    - I use the product import/export every so often
    - I have used the 'related products' import a few times but not during the time this last error became apparent to the best of my recollection
    - I notice some product URI's disappear from time to time - including this affected product and I had to recreate it because I noticed it was using the old style links


    Last edited by habreu; 09-17-21, 12:08 PM.

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  • SidFeyDesigns
    I had a similar issue when a customer accidentally created 2 accounts.

    After moving the order from 1 account to the other preferred account, for some reason the coupon didn't transfer.

    Yet, when I went to assign the coupon to the order I noticed it was still assigned but not showing up on the order itself.

    When I unassigned it from the order I received that same error.

    I was however able to reassign the coupon and it showed up on the order again.

    Seems to be a bug for sure.

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  • delcorsets
    I was creating a manual order in Miva and when assigning a coupon to the order I got the following error:

    The order ended up accepting the coupon despite the error but I thought I would bring it up since I'm not sure what caused it.

    Screen Shot 2021-09-10 at 7.44.32 AM.png

    Attached Files

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  • joshpappas
    There's another issue I noticed, this time related to the new search features (which are great). After I set everything up, I noticed that had to separately go back to my SRCH page to set "relevance" as my default sorting method. However, the Search Preview Settings page doesn't currently have "Relevance" as an option, so my search preview results don't match my search page and aren't giving the desired results. Will that be updated separately to provide this new sorting option?

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