
Security. Convenience. Control.

MivaPay is a secure credit card vault that works in conjunction with your payment gateway to simplify PCI compliance.

A safe, versatile way to store and use payment information.

Intuitive wallet features allow customers to effortlessly save payment info and reuse saved cards for new, repeat, and subscription orders. MivaPay works seamlessly with all major credit card payment options across all major payment gateways supported by Miva:

  • PayPal Payments Pro
  • PayPal Payflow Pro
  • PayPal Commerce Platform
  • Authorize.net
  • Chase Paymentech
  • Cybersource
  • Braintree

Automated alerts for expired cards increase successful transactions.

Managed Saved Cards dialog with a list of credit cards displayed.

Faster Checkouts. Easy Reorders.

One-click purchasing, mobile optimization, and secure card storage makes checkout a snap.

Account and order-level saved cards allow merchants to add to existing orders, reference past orders, and complete reorders as needed.

Mobile phone with a screen showing selected shipping and a saved credit card.

Maximize sales and drive loyalty with dynamic subscription tools.

Easily turn any product into a self-service, auto-renewing subscription to skyrocket Customer Lifetime Value.

Learn More
Screenshot of a candle website's Managed Subscriptions page.

Easier PCI Compliance

With MivaPay, merchants are only required to complete the SAQ-A form, the easiest of all PCI compliance forms.

Illustration of a credit card and a lock with an arrow between pointing at the lock.

Take Control With MivaPay

Learn More About MivaPay

Get Started

View MivaPay Terms and Conditions.

*Pricing is based on your current Miva ecommerce plan. MivaPay works with both SaaS and on-premise Miva Merchant installations and requires Miva Merchant 9.6+

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