Software Maintenance & End of Life Policy

We regularly release updates to our software (the "Miva Software"), to add new features, improve performance, and enhance security ("Updates"). Customers may choose when to install Updates on their licensed copy of the Miva Software ("License") but are advised that operating outdated software can pose significant security risks, particularly concerning credit card data. To safeguard against unauthorized access, the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) requires merchants secure their digital infrastructure, and maintaining up-to-date software is a critical component of this requirement. To align with PCI security standards and ensure software integrity, Miva customers must install Updates to their License within ninety (90) days following release of a general software Update, and within thirty (30) days following release of a security-related Update.

Non-Compliant Software

Any previously released version of the Miva Software still in use more than ninety (90) days after the latest general Update to the Miva Software, or more than thirty (30) days after the latest security-related Update to the Miva Software, will be considered "Non-Compliant" with this Policy; and any version of the Miva Software that has been Non-Compliant for more than ninety (90) days shall be considered "End-of-Life." No further Updates will be released for End-of-Life versions of the Miva Software, and technical support for End-of-Life versions cannot be guaranteed.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

To encourage compliance with this Policy, our customers will be assessed a monthly fee for each of their Non-Compliant License(s) as applicable:

A License will be subject to these fees, whether the License is installed on a website that is live, in development, or no longer actively being used by the customer, as long as the License is still active (i.e., it has not been deactivated by Miva due to subscription expiration or termination according to the customer's agreement with Miva).

Last updated: June 28, 2024

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