December 6th, 2017 Miva Celebrates the Holidays with 12 Days of Giveaways

12 Daily Prizes From Miva Merchants, Exclusively For Instagram Followers

Miva, Inc., enterprise ecommerce platform, announces its holiday social media contest, 12 Days of Giveaways, to celebrate clients and give back to their extended online community. Beginning Thursday, December 7th, one prize from a group of hand-picked Miva ecommerce sites, will be posted to Miva's Instagram account. Instagram followers will have the chance to win one of the 12 unique prizes by simply following Miva on Instagram and "liking" the post they are hoping to win. Each winner will be selected at random and announced the following day on Instagram.

Danial Dashtizad, Miva Marketing Director, says, "We are excited to recognize our clients and showcase their products. Several of our favorite merchants have generously provided us with valuable gifts for us to give away." Dashtizad continues, "The holidays are a great opportunity for us to thank our community for another successful year of ecommerce."

The 12 Days of Giveaways contest is free and easy to enter. Follow these simple instructions for your chance to win one of our 12 prizes.

  1. Visit Miva's Instagram account (@mivamerchant) and click "Follow." (If you already follow us, skip to #2)
  2. Like the post by simply clicking the heart icon or double tapping on each Instagram post featuring a prize that you'd like to win. You're entered!
  3. Double your chances to win by sharing the post to your Instagram Story with a @mivamerchant tag, and your name will automatically receive a second entry; increasing your chances of winning that prize.
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