Guide Checklist: Your Strategy for Selling With Amazon

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Want to boost brand awareness and drive traffic to your website? Start with Amazon (yes, really).

In their quest for driving sales and boosting product awareness, many online merchants mistakenly center their business strategy around succeeding on Amazon.

A savvy seller, however, uses both Amazon and their own ecommerce site to build brand equity, win over qualified customers, and position their business for long-term success–both on and off Amazon.

Download this checklist to learn how to optimize both your Amazon storefront and your own website to create a highly effective demand generation engine.

You'll learn how to:

  • Optimize your Amazon product listings
  • Use Amazon as a product discovery engine
  • Build a customer base on your own site
  • Engage with potential customers
  • Deliver a top-notch experience
Cover of Checklist: Your Strategy for Selling With Amazon.
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